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Seans gur foirm é briseadh de: bris »
briseadh, m. (gs. -ste, pl. -steacha).1. vn. of bris2. 2. Break. ~ aife, (ruffle caused by) start of ebb-tide. ~ san aimsir, break in the weather. ~ amach, outbreak, eruption. Vet:~ anála, broken wind, heaves. ~ cnis, abrasion of skin. ~ conartha, síochána, breach of contract, of peace. ~ na gcos chugat! Bad cess to you! ~ croí, heart-break. ~ droma d’ualach, back-breaking load. ~ duilliúir, breaking out of foliage. Tá ~ tí agus áite ann, (of wastrel, etc.) he would destroy house and home. ~ uisce, seepage of water. Lasmuigh de bhriseadh na trá, beyond where the waves break on the strand. 3. Dismissal. ~ oifigigh, múinteora, dismissal of officer, of teacher. ~ as oifig, removal from office. 4. (Of money, etc.) Change. ~ airgid, small change. ~ puint, change of a pound. 5. Battle, defeat. Lá, léana, an bhriste, the day, field, of battle. ~ na Bóinne, the defeat at the Boyne, the battle of the Boyne. 6. (pl.) Breakers. 7. ~ an lae, daybreak.
Tá sé briste agat, you have broken it.
Tá an mhias sin in ~ a briste, that dish is sure to get broken.
Tá an ~ briste aige; tá sé briste san ~, he is broken-winded.
Ar briseadh é? Was it broken?
~ briste, milk turning sour.
~ briste, broken English.
Briste ~, holed and broken.
Tá a croí briste, her heart is broken.
~eadh an bád ar na carraigeacha, the boat was smashed against the rocks.
Tá na barra ag ~eadh na cré, the tops are breaking through the soil.
Tá siad ag ~eadh na gcos ina dhiaidh, they are forever running after him; they are crazy about him.
~eadh a mhuineál, he sustained a broken neck.
Tá tú ag ~eadh na saoire, you are breaking the Sabbath, working on a holy day.
~eadh as a phost é, he was dismissed from his post.
~eadh as a oidhreacht é, he was deprived of his inheritance.
~eadh as a ghnó é, he was put out of business.
7. Tá an aimsir ag ~eadh, the weather is breaking, deteriorating.
Tá na tonnta ag ~eadh faoi thír, the waves are breaking on the coast.
Bhris, ~eadh, ar an bhfoighne aige, he lost patience.
Tá an fharraige ag ~eadh isteach ann, the sea is encroaching there.
Ná bí ag ~eadh isteach ar mo chuid cainte, don’t be interrupting me.
Balla, bríce, pláta, ~, broken wall, brick, plate.
Bróga ~, leaking shoes.
Béarla ~, broken English.
Bainne ~, curdled milk.
Talamh ~, cultivated land.
Lá ~, (i) day of broken weather, (ii) broken work-day.
Croí ~, broken heart.
Tá mo chosa ~ fúm, I am foot-weary (from standing, walking).
Oifigeach, múinteoir, ~, broken, dismissed, officer, teacher.
Capall ~, broken-winded horse.
Arm ~, defeated army.
Airgead ~, small change.
~ as gnó, out of business.
~ as airgead, out of money, ‘broke’.
Bheith ~ le rud, i rud, to be at a loss by sth.
Tá mé punt ~ leis, ann, I have lost a pound by it.
Briste ~, battered and broken.
~a briste, broken stone, (road-)metal.
~ briste, rhyme requiring identity of vowels and agreement of consonants in quality.
Briseadh conartha, breach of contract.
Ní raibh aon chnámh ina chorp nár briseadh, every bone in his body was broken.
Briseadh, crá, ~, heart-break.
Briseadh de thaisme é, it was accidentally broken.
~ briste, interrupted cadence.
D’fhág sé mo chroí briste, it left me with a broken heart.
~ briseadh beag, leave some small change.
Tá briste ar an bh~ aige, he has lost patience.
Briseadh foscaidh, screen (of trees, etc.), shelter belt.
Gur briseadh faoi dheireadh ar na geasa, until at last the spells were broken.
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