Brass plate, pláta m práis.
He cleared his plate, d'fholmhaigh sé a phláta.
Copperplate engraving, greanadh m pláta copair.
Metalw: Dished plate, pláta cuasach.
To let fall, (i) ligean do (phláta) titim; (ii) (an dallóg) a ísliú; (iii) (ingear) a tharraingt.
To send a plate flying, pláta a scaoileadh tríd an aer.
Focusing screen, pláta m cruinnithe.
To take a plate from the table, pláta a ardú den bhord.
She heaped my plate with meat, chuir sí maoil ar mo phláta le feoil.
Aut: Identification plate, pláta m aitheantais.
Plate iron, iarann m pláta.
Mch: Bottom plates, plátaí íochtair.
Cu: Hot plate, pláta m te.
Aut: Clutch-plate, pláta cráige.
W.Tel: Valve plate, pláta comhla. Plate battery, bataire m ardteannais.
Sensitive plate, pláta íogair.
Typ: (Stereotype) plate, (cló)phláta m.
Ecc: (Collection) plate, pláta m ofrála.
Positive plate, pláta m dearbhchló.
To punch an iron plate, pláta iarainn a stampáil.
Reach me (down) that plate, leag anuas an pláta sin chugam.
Reverberation plate, pláta m aisfhuaime.
To scrape the plate, an pláta a scríobadh.
Phot: Sensitive plate, pláta íogair.
Toothed plate (of safety razor, etc.), pláta fiaclach.
Metalw: To turn over the edges of a plate, imill mpl pláta a fhilleadh ar ais.
Phot: Wet plate, pláta fliuch.