Bhog an ceol é, the music moved, affected, him.
Bhí an deoch ag ~ chuige, the drink was beginning to affect him.
Ghoill sé ar a cháilíocht, it affected his out-look, his mind.
Tá sé ag ~eamh ar mo ghoile, it is affecting my stomach.
6. Caint chrochta, affected speech.
3. ~ crúb, disease affecting hoofs of animals.
Chuir an siúl orm, the walk affected me.
Bíonn sé ag ~adh cainte (dó féin), he is affected in his speech.
Chuaigh sé go ~ dó, it affected him badly.
Tá sé ag ~adh air le fada, it has been affecting him for a long time.
~ cainte, affected speech, pedantry.
~ann sé trí mo chroí, it pierces my heart affects me deeply.
~ chainte, playful, eccentric, affected, talk.
Ag imirt na ~a, affecting gentility; standing upon ceremony.
Chuir sé ar mo ghoile, it affected my stomach.
Ghoill an solas ar na súile aige, the light affected his eyes.
D’~ a n-íota orthu, their thirst affected them.
Rud a bheith ina ~ ort, to be chronically affected by sth.
Ba mhór an ~ air é, it affected him very much.
Chuaigh an gortú go h~ dó, the injury affected him badly.
~ eagaoise, worm affecting gizzard of bird.
Chuaigh sé (ó chnámh go ~agus) ó ~ go smúsach ann, it affected him in his innermost being.
Sin mar a chuaigh an obráid dó, that is how the operation affected him.
Chuaigh sé faoin gcroí aige, it affected his heart.
Bhí ~ orm, I couldn’t speak with emotion; I was deeply affected.