Ní raibh aon ~ air, he was not badly treated.
4. Go maith, go holc, as, well-, badly-, off.
Fuair siad ~, a m~, they were badly beaten, crushed.
Is dona mar a chaith mé mo bheart ina measc, I got on very badly with them.
Is ~ a labhair sé, he spoke badly, made a poor speech.
Níl tú ~te nuair atá do shláinte agat, you are not too badly off while you have your health.
Rinneadh ~ ar na barra, the crops were badly damaged.
Níl tú in áit a bheith ag ~, you shouldn’t complain; you are not so badly off. (Of illness)
Rinne tú droch-chearrbhachas, you played your hand badly.
D’fhág siad ~ air, they wounded him badly.
An bhfuil tú gortaithe? Níl ~ orm. Are you hurt? Not badly.
Nuair atá an tsláinte againn níl ~ orainn, while we have our health we are not too badly off.
Is olc an ~ air (go), it speaks badly for him (that).
Scéal gan chraiceann, badly-told, improbable, story.
Tá ~ airgid air, he needs money badly.
Cruthú go maith, go holc, to turn out well, badly.
Is olc an ~ isteach a rinneadh air, it was badly fitted.
~amh go maith, go holc, thar cionn, to do well, badly, excellently.
Níl tú ar ~, you are not doing too badly.
Loiteadh go ~ é, he was badly hurt.
Chuaigh sé go ~ dó, it affected him badly.
~ a bheith ort, to be in a bad way; to be badly circumstanced.
Bheith i do dhroch-cheann do dhuine, to provide badly for, be unkind to, s.o. in one’s charge.
~ a chaitheamh le duine, to treat s.o. badly.
Tá ~ air, he is in a bad way, badly off.
~ a bheith ort, to be badly equipped, badly off.
Tá ~ orm dul chuig damhsa, I am badly prepared to go to a dance.
An ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to act vilely towards s.o., to let s.o. down badly.
Rinne tú go ~ orm é, you acted treacherously towards me; you let me down badly. S.a.
Is dona a ~adh thú nár chuir tú an báire, you let yourself down badly when you didn’t score the goal.
Obair gharbh, rough, badly-finished, work.
Ghlac sé go mór é, he took it badly.
Is olc an ~ a thug sé dó, air, féin, he abused himself badly, left himself in a sorry state.
Tá an duine bocht léirithe go maith, the poor fellow is badly done up, in bad shape.
Ar ~, in a bad way, badly off.
~ a bheith ort rud a dhéanamh, to be badly equipped to do sth.
Loiteadh go ~ é, he was badly injured.
Is ~ a d’éirigh liom, I got on badly.
Chuaigh an gortú go h~ dó, the injury affected him badly.
Ní raibh sí go h~ do na páistí, she didn’t treat the children badly.
Dá ~ dá ndéanfainn é, however badly I might do it.
Is olc atá mé ~te, I am badly served.
Tá mo chos ina ~, my foot is badly twisted.
Ar bheagán stóir, badly off.
Baineadh ~ mór asam, I was badly shaken; I was knocked about a lot.
Níl aon ~ suas air, he has been badly brought up.
Tá sé ag teastáil go mór uaim, I need it badly.
Is olc an ~ a thug siad don leanbh, they badly mistreated the child.