~ na h~, beauty of beauties.
~ mara agus tíre, the beauty, enchantment, of sea and land.
Ag déanamh ~e as a háilleacht, putting on airs on account of her beauty.
I m~ a háille, at the height of her beauty.
Rug sí barr áille orthu, she excelled them in beauty.
~ na sláinte, na háilleachta, the flush of health, beauty.
Cailín ~ dathúil, girl of tender beauty.
Ní dhéanann ~ brachán, beauty will not boil the pot.
~ duine, human excellence, beauty.
~ na tíre, beauty of the countryside.
Más peaca a bheith ~ tá na mílte damanta, ‘if it’s a sin to be sallow thousands are damned’, beauty is only skin deep.
C~ Luachra, Sleeping Beauty.
~ ar scéimh seoda, jewels set off beauty.
Mar bharr ar an ~, ‘the beauty of it all was’, to crown it all.
Is geal leis an bh~ dubh a ghearrcach féin, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
~ spéirbhan, bevy of beauties.
~ na hóige, youthful beauty.
Nochtann grá ~, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
~ d’fhreagair dá scéimh, talents that matched her beauty.
Ná ~ i ndiaidh a scéimhe, lust not after her beauty.
Fear go ~, man of colour, of beauty.
~ scéimhe, radiant beauty.
1. ~ a chur ar rud, to adorn, add beauty to, sth.
Cuireann sé barr ~ ar a scéimh, it serves as a foil to her beauty; it really crowns her beauty.
Faoi bhláth agus faoi mhaise, in bloom and beauty; greatly prospering.
~ scéimhe, ravishing of beauty.
~ as a scéimh, vain of her beauty.
Thug sí an ~ léi ó mhná a linne, she surpassed the women of her time in beauty.