Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: bat · bead · beag · bean · bear
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
~ a leagan ar dhuine, to beat, chastise, s.o.
Tá sé in ~ a bhuailte, he is in danger of being beaten.
Tá an teach ag dul chun ~, the house is getting weather-beaten, falling into disrepair.
Tá cuma ~ air, he looks weather-beaten, the worse for wear.
Buailfear thú as é a insint, you will be beaten for telling it.
Bhí ~ ar mo chroí i ndiaidh an reatha, my heart was beating fast after I had been running.
Dá mbuaileadh sé mé, rud nár bhaol dó, had he beaten me, which he wouldn’t, couldn’t, do.
Is é ~ é, it is the best; there is nothing to beat it.
Tá eagla a bháis air (roimh thaibhsí, go mbuailfear é), he is in mortal fear (of ghosts, that he will be beaten).
Fuair siad ~, a m~, they were badly beaten, crushed.
An ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to beat s.o. with a stick.
Ag baint ~í ar cheist, beating about the bush.
~ a thabhairt ar, do, dhuine, to exhaust s.o. completely; to beat s.o. into a helpless condition.
Thug mé ó bhonn dó é, I beat, scolded, him thoroughly.
Buail (an) ~! Beat, hook, it!
Buaileadh go ~ é, he was brutally, savagely, beaten.
Buadh glan orainn, we were well beaten.
Bhuaigh sin ar a dtáinig is a dtiocfaidh, that beats everything.
1. Duine, rud, a bhualadh, to beat, strike, s.o., sth.
Ubh a bhualadh, to beat up an egg.
Druma a bhualadh, to beat a drum.
Croí, cuisle, ag bualadh, heart, pulse, beating.
Iarann a bhualadh, to beat out iron.
Cosán a bhualadh, to beat a path.
Cárta a bhualadh, to beat, trump, a card.
Duine a bhualadh i gcoimhlint, i gcluiche, to beat s.o. in a contest, in a game.
Tá an fear sin ~te, that man is beaten, finished.
Bhuail sin a bhfaca mé riamh, that surpasses anything I have ever seen, beats everything.
~ amach an mála, beat out the (contents of the) bag.
~ amach as an teach iad, beat them out of the house.
Tá na barra ~te anuas ag an stoirm, the crops are beaten down by the storm.
Ag bualadh ar an díon, beating against the roof.
Bualadh chuige, to beat up to windward.
Bhuail sé roimhe agus ina dhiaidh, he lashed about him, beat everybody around him.
~ síos le do chos é, beat it down with your foot.
Tá ~ síne, gaoithe, isteach sa doras againn, the storm, wind, is beating full against our door.
Fuair sé ~ millteanach, he got a terrible beating.
Níl do bhualadh ann, le fáil, there is no one to beat, surpass, you.
~ croí, cuisle, heart-, pulse-, beat.
~ ceoil, beat in music.
~ suas, anuas, up-, down-, beat.
~ chuige ar bhuail tú é? Why did you beat him?
Bhíodar cáite againn, we had them beaten, we had exhausted their resources.
~ láibe a dhéanamh de dhuine, to beat s.o. into the ground, to trounce s.o.
Bhuail sé ~ mé, bhuaigh sé ~ orm, he beat me hollow.
Rinne sé ~ díom, he beat me into the ground, beat me hollow.
Bhuail sé ~ a uchta, he thumped his chest, beat his breast.
Tá sé ~tha, he is beaten.
Bheith ar ~ le, to match strokes, beat time, with.
~ daite, dearg, beaten track.
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