Bíonn uain ag na caoirigh san earrach, the sheep have lambs in the spring.
Tá ~ chinn aige ar na caoirigh, he knows each individual sheep.
Lig sé na caoirigh ~, he let the sheep stray.
Má tá na caoirigh caillte, if the sheep are lost.
Caoirigh a chiapadh, to worry sheep.
Ba, caoirigh, a chluicheadh, to round up cows, sheep.
An barr a choimhéad ar na caoirigh, to keep the sheep away from the crops.
Ba, caoirigh, a choinneáil, to keep cows, sheep.
Tá na caoirigh ~ acu, they have rounded up the sheep.
Tá ~ de na caoirigh caillte, five of the sheep are lost.
~ na caoirigh ó na gabhair, segregate the sheep from the goats.
~ de na caoirigh, ten of the sheep.
~ sna caoirigh, sa tseilg, é, set him to chase the sheep, the quarry.
~ agus caoirigh, cattle and sheep.
An bhfuil ~ ar na caoirigh agat? Have you penned the sheep?
Tá na caoirigh ag imeacht ar bheagán, the sheep are going for very little.
Na ba, na caoirigh, a ~ean amach, to let out the cows, the sheep.
Tá sé ag ~ean as na caoirigh le déanaí, he has been giving up sheep-rearing lately.
Caoirigh a ~adh, to fold sheep.
Caoirigh a mharcáil, to mark sheep.
Cuir na caoirigh ar ~, tie the sheep together.
Caoirigh a chur i b~, to pen sheep.
Téigh ~ na caoirigh agus cor isteach sa pháirc iad, get in front of the sheep and head them into the field.
Dá mbeadh ~ agam, ba is caoirigh, if I had all that, cattle and sheep.
Caoirigh ~a, roving sheep.
Rinne an sioc mór ~ ar na caoirigh, the great frost wreaked havoc among the sheep.
Caoirigh a theanntú, to round up sheep.
Cá mhéad a chuaigh na caoirigh inniu? What price did sheep reach today?
Chuaigh siad roimh na caoirigh, they headed off the sheep.
Eallach, caoirigh, a thiomáint, to drive cattle, sheep.
Ba, caoirigh, éanlaith, a thógáil, to raise cows, sheep, poultry.
Tá gabhar amháin ~ na caoirigh, there is one goat through the sheep.
Caoirigh a thumadh, to dip sheep.
Cuir na caoirigh ar na huachtair, put the sheep on the uplands.