corr-6, pref. 1. Odd. (a) Occasional. (b) Eccentric. 2. Tapering, pointed. 3. Angular, projecting. 4. Rounded, curved.
corr1, f. (gs. coirre, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Projecting point; angle, edge. ~ tábla, cathaoireach, corner, edge, of table, of chair. ~ diallaite, pommel of saddle. ~ inneonach, ~ an chip, horn of anvil. ~ srathrach, shoulder of straddle. Bhuail sé a cheann ar chorr na carraige, he struck his head against the projecting edge of the rock. Cloch a chur ar a ~, to lay a stone on its edge, on its narrow end. Chuir sé an bairille ar a chorr, he tilted the barrel. Tá na pinginí ar a g~ aige, he is rolling in the pennies, making money fast. (Of person) Tá sé ar a chorr, he is on the alert. Chuir sé é féin ar a chorr leis, he over-reached himself with it. S.a. daoirse 1. 2. Corr shúgáin, chasta, throw-crook, rope-twister. S.a. cochall 6. 3. ~ cláirsí, neck of harp. (Var: m, gs. ~)
corr2, f. (gs. coirre, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Hollow, pit. Uisce coirre, bog-hole water. I g~ mo chroí, deep down in my heart. 2. Rounded hill, hump.
corr3, f. (gs. coirre, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. ~ (éisc, ghlas, mhóna, réisc, riasc), (grey) heron. S.a. conáil. 2. Crane, stork. ~ bhán, white stork. 3. ~ leitheadach, spoonbill. 4. ~ (mhara), nestling of gannet. 5. Fig: Long-necked person.
corr4, f. (gs. coirre, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). ~ (ghainimh, ghobach, shéanta), sand-eel. ~ charraige, rock-eel. ~ uaine, garfish.
corr5, a. (gsm. ~, gsf. & comp. coirre, npl. ~a). 1. Odd. (a) Uimhir chorr, odd number. Airgead ~, odd money. Dhá stoca chorra, two odd stockings. An ceann ~, the odd, unmatched, one. (b) Éan ~, (of person) outsider, odd man out. Ná bí ~, don’t be odd, don’t remain outside the company. Bhí sé riamh ~, he was always odd, eccentric. S.a. ceann1 1 (i), cointinneach. 2. Tapering, pointed. Slat, coinneal, bos, chorr, tapering rod, candle, hand. S.a. míol 1. 3. Round, curved. Mias chorr, rounded dish. Cathair chorr, round fort. Tulacha ~a, rounded, humpy, hills. S.a. cluiche 1(a), coinneal 5.
corr7 = corradh.
Ar corr, ar fiar, edgeways, askew.
~ corr, forbháis, erratic, perched, block.
corr dó, they taunted him, treated him as odd.
Coinnle corra, wild hyacinth, bluebell.
Tháinig sé an lá corr ~, he picked a most awkward day to come.
Chonálfadh sé na corra, ‘It would freeze the herons’, it is bitterly cold.
Rud a chur ar a fhad, ar a chorr, to put sth. lengthways, on its edge.
~ corr, outsider, odd man out.
Gheobhaidh tú na ~eacha (agus na pingneacha corra), [’you will get your fees (and may keep the change)’, you will get a real good hiding.
Bonn, corr, ~, beaded tyre, edge.
~ chorr, implement for digging out sand-eels.
Corr sheasc, sand-eel without milt or roe.
~ chorr, ruacan, sand-eel, cockle, strand.
~ chothrom, chorr, even, odd, number.