Rud a thógáil in ~ ruda eile, to take sth. in mistake for sth. else.
Is beag eile atá ar a ~, he has little else to do.
Duine a ~t ar dhuine eile, as duine eile, to recognize s.o. by his resemblance to s.o. else.
~ gach duine eile, like everybody else.
Níl aon ní eile ag cur ~e air, nothing else concerns, bothers, him.
Níl a ~ agam, I have nothing else, nothing instead.
Níl a ~ le rá agam, there is nothing else I can say.
De bharr ar aon duine eile, more than, rather than, any one else.
Ní raibh as a bhéal ach é, he spoke of nothing else.
Níl a fhios ag aon duine cá luíonn an bhróg ar an duine eile, one never knows what someone else’s troubles may be.
Ní fhaca mé ar bhuille mo dhá shúl riamh do leithéid, I never laid eyes on anyone else like you.
Bhí sé ann fear mar chách, he was there like everyone else.
~ eile? What else. How else?
~ eile mar a déarfainn é? How else should I say it? (As exclamation)
Cé ab fhearr é ná a mhalairt? Was it any better than anything else?
Rud a cheangal de rud eile, to tie sth. to sth. else.
~ a bhí ann bhí seisean ann, he was there, whoever else.
~ ar bith eile, whatever else.
Caithfidh tusa a bheith ~ leis an saol mór, you choose to be different to everybody else.
Rud a chur faoi rud eile, to put sth. under sth. else.
Tá dála an tsaoil air, he is like everybody else.
Ní raibh an ~ duine ann, there was nobody else there.
Nuair nach bhfuil a dhath eile le déanamh aige, since he has nothing else to do.
De dhíth a mhalairte, for want of anything else.
Ní dhlífinn a mhalairt díot, I would expect nothing else from you.
In aon áit ~, in any other place, anywhere else.
Aon rud ~, anything else.
Is beag ~ a bhí le rá aige, he had little else to say.
Níl teach ná ~ aige, he has neither a house nor anything else.
Sin nó tá Dia i bh~ aige, or else he has gained favour with God.
Súil ag an bh~ thall ar an bh~ abhus, everybody watching everybody else.
Rud a chur i bh~ le rud eile, to liken sth. to sth. else.
~ duine eile a ithe, to eat the remains of s.o. else’s meal.
Is ~ a rinne tú sin! What else should you do?
Tá rud eile le léamh as, it conveys something else.
Chuaigh mé ann ~ le gach aon duine eile, I went there like everybody else.
Tá a mhalairt de chúram orm, I have something else to attend to.
Níl a mhalairt le déanamh agam, there is nothing else I can do.
Ní raibh a mhalairt le fáil agam, there was nothing else I could get.
Rud a mhalartú le duine (ar rud eile), to exchange sth. with s.o. (for sth. else).
Ní raibh ar a mheanma ach é, he could think of nothing else.
~ bhain tusa ciall eile as? Did you not take it to mean something else?
Nó ~ acu fan sa bhaile, or else stay at home.
Dul i ~ duine eile, to masquerade as s.o. else.
Níl a shamhail le fáil, there is nothing else quite like it.
Rud a shamhlú le rud eile, to liken sth. to sth. else.