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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Súil le cúiteamh a chailleas an ~, expectation of recoupment is the bane of the gambler.
An rud atá faoina choinne féin aige, what he has set himself to do. (ii) In expectation of, to get.
~ in aisce, vain expectation.
Dúil, iarraidh, gan fháil, vain expectation, request.
do) Rud a bheith ag ~eamh duit, to have good expectation of sth.
Dúil ~ fháil, unfulfilled expectation.
Ar ~, le h~ (go), in the expectation (that).
~ ainmniúil, ionchais, uimhriúil, nominal, expectation, absolute, value.
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