Tá an ghlóir d’~ acu, they are assured of glory.
D’ardú glóire na Maighdine, to extol the glory of the Virgin.
~ na glóire, the pinnacle of glory.
Glóir dhíomuan an domhain ché, the transient glory of this earth.
~ glóire Dé, for the glory of God.
Do chomóradh glóire Dé, for the greater glory of God.
A Dhia (mhór) na glóire! (Great) God of glory!
~ an domhain, earthly glory; worldly wealth.
Go bhfaighe siad an ghlóir shíoraí, may they enter into eternal glory.
An ghlóir fhlaithiúnais, heavenly glory.
Imithe leis an n~, swept away, gone to glory.
An ghlóir fhlaithiúnais, shíoraí, heavenly, eternal, glory.
~ do Dhia (in airde, sna harda), glory be to God (on high).
Chun ~e Dé, for the glory of God.
An ghlóir a chaitheamh, to partake of glory, to enjoy heavenly bliss.
Bheith sa ghlóir, to be in heavenly glory; to be in one’s glory, in a state of exaltation.
~ na gréine, the glory of the sun.
~ an tsaoil seo, mundane glory.
Lán de ghlóir, covered with glory.
Go dtuga Dia an ghlóir dóibh; ar dheis na ~e go raibh siad, may they share in God’s glory; may they sit at the right hand of God.
Síleann siad gur as a cheann atá an ghrian ag fás, they see in him the glory of the sun, think the world of him.
Ní inseofar an ghlóir fhlaithiúnais, heavenly glory can never be described.
~ glóire Dé, reflection of God’s glory.
Ní ~ ná mustar dó é, it is nothing for him to glory in.
Gura ~ a ghlóir, may he have the greater glory (for it).
~ a dhéanamh as rud, le rud, to glory in sth.
Glóir shaolta, worldly glory.
~ na bhflaitheas, na glóire, the light of heaven, of glory.
An ghlóir fhlaithiúnais a thabhairt, to give heavenly glory.
Ná bíodh ~ agat as glóir shaolta, don’t rely too much on earthly glory.