Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: líne · láine · léine · lie · lined
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
~ mheán lae, meridian line. ~ thógála, construction line.
Líne aindiallais, agonic line.
~ freislighe, syllabic metre with alternate lines ending in trisyllable and disyllable.
Ó ~ go mac; ón ~ go dtí an mac, from father to son; in direct line.
~ den dorú, draw in the fishing-line.
~ a chur suas, to bait a line.
Taobh na mban, the female line, distaff side.
~ thurscair, ragged line of sea-wrack.
I m~ an chatha, in the front line of battle.
dorú, cast of fishing-line.
~ (dín), line of twigs binding eaves (of thatched roof).
Dorú a chaitheamh, to cast a fishing-line.
Ar an g~ líne, on the first line.
~ as an dorú é, attach it to the fishing-line.
~ ar chéim (le), step by step, in line (with).
Níor chuir sé scríob chleite chugam, he never wrote me a line.
Líne chóimeála, assembly line.
I gcomhaid na sean, in the preserving lines, poems, of the ancients.
Línte comhchlaonais, isoclinic lines.
Línte comhfhaid, lines of equal length.
Línte comhleithid, lines of equal breadth.
Línte ~a, parallel lines.
~ slioslíneach, lateral line system.
3. ~ bharr taoide, line of wrack at high-water mark.
Bun na dtrí g~, where three boundary lines meet.
Chuir sé thar an líne é, he put it over the line.
Líne dhealaithe, dividing line.
Líne, ciorcal, sraith, a dhéanamh, to make a line, a circle, a row.
~ líne, ranga, the end of a line, of a class.
Líne dhíreach, straight line.
An áit a mbíonn an ~ bíonn an sólás ina aice, every cloud has a silver lining.
Líne dhomhanfhaid, line of longitude.
~ (iascaireachta), fishing-line.
~ grinnill, ground-line.
Ag) iascaireacht le ~, line-fishing.
~ ingir, pluma, plumb-line.
~ feádóireachta, (swinging) plumb-line.
~ aigigh, luaidhe, plummet-, lead-, line.
~ talún, marking-line (in trenching, etc.).
Coirdín ~, cord-line; light rope.
~ a chur le rud, to mark sth. with a line.
Línte ~, double lines.
Líne, cath, eagair, ordered line, battle(-formation).
Líne ~, aclinic line.
Líne fhada, long line.
Ní raibh duine ar an bh~ sin nár aithin é, he was recognized by everybody all along that line.
Taobh na bh~, the men’s side; the male line.
Tá sé rud beag ar ~ agat, you have inclined it a bit (from perpendicular, horizontal, straight line).
Ba cheart duit (cúpla) ~ a chur chuige, you should drop him a line.
Líne ghinealaigh, line of descent, lineage.
Líne ghlan, clean line.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht