Tá beartaithe agam ar dhul ann, I have made up my mind to go there.
Sin an rud a chuir ar a bhoinn é, that is what set him up, made him.
Chuir sé an ~ orm, he gagged me, made me shut up.
Chuir mé romham an teanga a fhoghlaim, I made up my mind to learn the language.
Níl ann ach scéal a ~adh, it is only a made-up story, a fabrication.
Níl ann ach ~, it is just a made-up story.
3. Rinne sé suas ar an ardán, he made, proceeded, up towards the stage.
Tá ~ agat! You are made up!
Thug sé ~ ar éirí, he made as if to get up.
Bhí sé ~ i m’intinn agam, I had made up my mind to it.
Tá m’intinn socraithe air, my mind is made up to it.