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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Ní rachaidh mé ~ a bhfaighidh mé scéala cinnte, I won’t go till I get definite news.
~ aduaidh a tháinig an scéala, the news came from an unexpected quarter.
Tá ~ scéalta air, he is uneasy, eager, for news.
An bhfuil aon bharr nuachta agat? Have you any special news?
Níor bhain an drochscéala ~ as, the bad news did not move, disturb, him in the least.
Drochscéala a bhogadh do dhuine, to prepare s.o. for bad news.
Níor chuir an scéala lá braodair air, the news did not worry him in the least.
Iad a bhuaireamh le drochscéala, to grieve them with bad news.
~ liteartha, nuachta, spóirt, literary, news, sports, column.
Scéal, ráfla, nuacht, a chraobhscaoileadh, to broadcast a story, a rumour, news.
Chuir siad thart an scéal, they passed the news around.
Tá ~ leis chugainn, he brings us good news.
Fios na ndea-scéal chugainn, let us hope the news is good.
An scéala is deireanaí, the latest news.
Is túisce ~ ná scéal, one should offer a drink before asking for news.
Is maith scéal gan ~, no news is good news.
~ a fháil, to get bad news.
Ní raibh scéal, duan ná ~ aige, he had no news of any kind.
Scéala ~, melancholy news.
~ nuachta, news-sheet.
~ an scéal é, it is woeful news.
Sea, ~! Well, tell us the news!
~ díolta páipéar, news-vendor.
~ (inste) scéil, storyteller; bringer of news.
Ba mhaith an ~ scéil tú, that would be wonderful news (if it should come to pass).
D’fhógair sí an dea-scéala dúinn, she announced the good news to us.
An scéala a fhorleathadh, to spread the news.
Nár thaga ~ is measa (ná sin), may we hear no worse news (than that); the report is of no consequence.
Is ~ an scéal liom é, it is glad news to me.
Scéala ~, melancholy news.
An scéala a insint, to tell the news.
Bheith faoi ~, to be talked about, in the news.
Cúrsaí, nuacht, an lae, events, news, of the day.
Is ~ liom do scéala, you bring me glad news.
Scéala, ráfla, a ~adh, to spread news, a rumour.
Scéala ~, good news.
Buille, drochscéal, a mhaolú do dhuine, to soften a blow, bad news, for s.o.
~eanna nuachta, news items.
Ba mhóide a áthas an scéala a fháil in am, he was all the more delighted that he got the news in time.
Chuir an scéala ~ air, the news perturbed him.
~ an lae, the news of the day.
Chuala mé ar an ~ é, I heard it on the news broadcast.
Bhí an ~ uile leis, he brought all the news.
Cén ~ is fearr agat? What big news have you got?
Rud a chur sa ~, to spread the news about sth.
An bhfuil scéal ar bith ~ leat chugainn? Have you brought us any fresh news?
Ó chuala mé an scéala, since I heard the news.
Cuntas, ráiteas, scéala, ~, official report, statement, news.
Pholl an scéala go croí mé, the news pierced me to the heart.
~ nuachta, news bulletin.
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