scéala, m. (gs. ~). 1. News, tidings. ~ a fháil ó, faoi, dhuine, to get news from, of, s.o. ~ cleamhnais, news of impending marriage. ~ báis, report of death. 2. Word, message. ~ a chur chuig duine faoi rud, to send word to s.o. about sth. Tháinig ~ chugam (go), word came to me (that). Cuir ~ faoina choinne, send word for him to come. 3. Information, disclosure. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to tell on, inform against, s.o. Rinne na bróga ~ air, the boots gave him away.
Ní rachaidh mé ~ a bhfaighidh mé scéala cinnte, I won’t go till I get definite news.
~ aduaidh a tháinig an scéala, the news came from an unexpected quarter.
Níor chuir an scéala lá braodair air, the news did not worry him in the least.
Focal, scéala, ~, false word, tidings.
Cás, scéala, ~, sad case, tidings.
Ní bhfuair mé an ~ scéala uaidh, I got no other tidings from him, didn’t hear from him again.
Scéala a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to inform on s.o.
Tá ~ leis chugainn, he brings us good news.
Dá gcuirfeá scéala faoi mo dhéin, had you sent me word, sent for me.
An scéala is deireanaí, the latest news.
Cuir scéala ina dhiaidh, send word after him.
Scéala ~, melancholy news.
Litir, scéala, a fháil, to get a letter, tidings.
D’fhógair sí an dea-scéala dúinn, she announced the good news to us.
Dúirt sé nárbh fholáir scéala a chur chucu, he said that word should be sent to them.
An scéala a fhorleathadh, to spread the news.
Scéala ~, melancholy news.
Scéala a chuir ~ orthu, tidings that dismayed them.
An scéala a insint, to tell the news.
Cuir scéala ionsair, send word to him.
Is ~ liom do scéala, you bring me glad news.
Scéala, ráfla, a ~adh, to spread news, a rumour.
Scéala a ~ean chun duine, to send word to s.o.; to let s.o. know.
Dúirt sé má chasfadh sé liom go dtabharfadh sé an scéala dom, he said that if he met me he would give me the message.
Ba mhóide a áthas an scéala a fháil in am, he was all the more delighted that he got the news in time.
Chuir an scéala ~ air, the news perturbed him.
Ó chuala mé an scéala, since I heard the news.
Cuntas, ráiteas, scéala, ~, official report, statement, news.
Pholl an scéala go croí mé, the news pierced me to the heart.
Scéala a ~, to spread a report.
~ sé leis an scéala chugainn, he ran to tell us the news.
Scéala a ~eadh, to spread news.
~ an scéala ó bhéal go béal, the news spread from mouth to mouth.
Ní bhfuair mé ~ ná scéala air, I have had neither tale nor tidings of him.
4. Scéala a spré, to spread news.
Scéala, comhartha, a thabhairt, to give word, a sign.
Thaitin an scéala liom, I was pleased at the news.
Ní raibh sé i bhfad amuigh nuair a tháinig sé leis an dea-scéala, he was not long gone until he came back with the good news.
Cad é mar a chuaigh an scéala di? How did she take the news?
Thóg an scéala sin ár meanma agus ár misneach, that news raised our spirits and our courage.
~fad páirt dá scéala, I will relate part of their story.
Bhí mé ~na chéile ag an scéala, I was upset by the news.