Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: cola · dola · fola · gola · mola
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
ola1, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). Oil. 1. ~ ae troisc, cod-liver oil. ~ aitil, oil of juniper. ~ almóinne, oil of almonds. ~ bhealaithe, lubricating oil. ~ bhí, pine oil, turpentine. ~ bhreosla, fuel oil. ~ chlóbh, oil of cloves. ~ eoclaipe, eucalyptus oil. ~ ghruaige, hair oil. ~ innill, engine oil. ~ lampa, lamp, paraffin, oil. ~ mhianra, mineral oil. ~ (an) mhíl mhóir, whale oil. ~ mhór, ~ phairifín, paraffin oil. ~ olóige, olive oil. ~ phailme, palm oil. ~ phlanda, plant oil. ~ ráibe, rape-oil. ~ ricne, castor oil. ~ rois, linseed oil. ~ róis, attar of roses. ~ scealla, shale oil. ~ shailleach, fatty oil. ~ threáiteach, penetrating oil. ~ thriomaithe, drying oil. ~ thuirpintín, turpentine oil. ~ a chur ar, faoi, rud, to oil sth. 2. Ecc:~ chaiticiúmanach, oil of catechumens. ~ choisricthe, holy oil. An ~ dhéanach, extreme unction. An ~ a chur ar dhuine, to administer extreme unction to s.o., to anoint s.o. ~ agus aithrí, (sacraments of) extreme unction and penance. S.a. aithrí 2, glaoch 2(a). 3. Fig: Unction. Is é an ~ ar a gcroí é, they take an unctuous pleasure in it. 4. Canna, clais, cruibhéad, tobar, treoir, vearnais, ~, oil-can, -groove, -crust, -well, -gauge, -varnish. Péintéireacht ~, oil-painting.
ola2, f = ológ.
Níl an ~ mhall maith; am na hola am na h~, late repentance is not good.
~ umhal (ola agus aithrí), death with resignation (after penance and extreme unction).
~ ola, oil-cake.
Ola choisricthe, consecrated oil.
~ móna, ola, turf-, oil-, burning.
Gual, ola, a dhó, to burn coal, oil.
~ ola, oil-drum.
~ ola, oil-cloth.
Ola ~e, eucalyptus oil.
Ola a chur ~ rud, to oil sth.
~ ola, oil-bath.
Uisce, ola, a ghalú, to vaporize water, oil.
~ ola, (priests) sick-call.
~ ola, oil-lamp.
~ ola, oil slick.
mheascann ola is uisce, oil will not mix with water.
Táirgeadh ~ ola, great production of oil.
Oibreacha uisce, ola, iarainn, waterworks, oilworks, ironworks.
Ola, síol, ~e, rape-oil, -seed.
Ola ~, viscous oil.
Ola ramhraithe, gummed oil.
Ola ~, castor oil.
~ ola, oil rig.
~ ar ola, film on oil.
Ola thiubh a thanú, to crack thick oil.
Tháinig siad ar ola, they struck oil.
Táimid ag dul tríd an iomarca ola, we are using up too much oil.
Ola thiubh, thick oil.
~faidh an bia blas na hola, the food will take the taste of the oil.
~ earraí, eallaigh, ola, trade in goods, in cattle, in oil.
~ ola, oil-gauge.
Cuir ola ~d, mix it with oil.
Tagann an ola ar ~, the oil comes to the surface.
~ ola, oil-sump.
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