Cad é an ~ atá leis an abairt sin? What is the origin of that phrase?
Abairt chaite, hackneyed phrase.
Is deas an ~ cainte é sin, that is a nice turn of phrase.
~ cainte, turn of phrase, idiom.
dálaí, in certain phrases
Tá ~ an Bhéarla air, it follows the English construction, is an English turn of phrase.
Ní dhéanfaidh sé ~ ort, it won’t harm you one bit. (In intensifying phrases)
síolta in alliterative phrase)
Cionnas a ghnóthaigh sibh? How did you get on? (In farewell phrase)
~ na ráite, phrase method.
Rinne siad ~ de, they made a cant phrase of it.
sin, seo, in adv. phrase)
1. ~ (cainte), rhetorical expressions, stock phrases, tags.