Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Tá ~ Gaeilge aige, he knows some Irish.
Duine amháin, beirt, cuid, agaibh, one, two, some, of you.
D’imigh sé go Meiriceá. A~ nuair a bhí sé tamall thall . . . . He went to America. And when he was there some time . . . .
~ eile, ~ éigin eile, another, some other, time.
Duine ar an ~ agus duine ar an ngannchuid, some people have too much and others too little.
Déanfaidh mé ~ é, I’ll do it some time.
Le h~, for some time.
Is doiligh cuid de na daoine a athrú, it is difficult to move, influence, some people.
A bheag nó a mhór de rud, some amount of sth.
Bhí a bheag nó a mhór de thrioblóid leis, it was troublesome to some extent.
Bhain sé ~ as airgead an chíosa, he used up some of the rent money.
Tá ~ éigin ar mo shúil, there is some kind of swelling about my eye.
~ aníos chugainn lá éigin, call up to see us some day.
Níor phós sé go raibh ~ déanta aige, he did not marry until he had some savings made.
An bhfuil mórán acu ann? ~a. Are there many of them? Some.
Ba cheart duit ~ éigin a chur ort féin, you should make some plans for yourself.
Tá dornán airgid ~ aige, he has put some money together.
~ de na daoine, some of the people.
~ againn, some of us.
~ ag teacht agus ~ ag imeacht, some coming and others going.
Tá sé i g~ éigin, it is in some corner, put away somewhere.
Beidh ~ éigin aige lena dhéanamh, he will find some pretext for doing it.
Tá rud éigin ar a chúl sin aige, he has some ulterior motive for that;
Cuir ~ ort féin, put on some protective clothing.
Cuid den arán, some of the bread.
Tá ~ éigin sa scéal, there is some error, omission, in the story.
Bain cuid den ~ díot féin, remove some of your thatch, get yourself a hair-cut.
~ ag teacht agus ~ ag imeacht, some coming and some going.
Chuaigh ~ soir agus ~ siar, some went one way, some another.
Tá ~ éigin ar siúl, there is some devilment afoot.
Deir ~ de lucht léinn (go), a body of, some, learned people say (that).
Deir ~ gur fíor é agus deir ~ eile nach fíor, some say that it is true and others that it is not.
Síleann daoine go, some (people) think that.
~ . . . ~(eile), one . . . another, some . . . others.
Deir ~ seo agus ~ (eile) siúd, some say this and some say that.
~ a rachadh agus ~ nach rachadh, some would go and others would not.
~ a tháinig agus ~ nár tháinig, there were some who came and others who did not, the attendance was sparse.
Bíodh ~ leat, have some sense.
Ar dhóigh ~, in some way, somehow.
Áit ~ in Éirinn, some place, somewhere, in Ireland.
Lá ~ gan mhoill, some day soon.
Scéal ~ eile, some other story.
Gheobhaidh tú obair ~, you will get work of some kind.
Tá múineadh ~ orthu, they have some manners.
Fiche ~ bliain ó shin, some twenty years ago.
Am éigin ~, some other time.
~ briseadh beag, leave some small change.
Tá ~ éigin ann, he is wanting in some respect.
Duine a fháil (le haghaidh ruda), to get s.o. (for some purpose).
~ éigin airgid, some small amount of money.
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