Airgead, maoin, a dhiomailt, to squander money, wealth.
~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to waste, squander, sth.
Chuir sé ~ ar an airgead, he put the money to bad use, squandered the money.
An phingin bheag agus an phingin mhór a chaitheamh, to squander money.
Ag ~ a maoine, squandering their property.
Scaip sé a raibh den ~ aige, he squandered everything he had.
~ sé a chuid airgid, he squandered his money.
~ maoine, the squandering of wealth.
Chuir sé ~ ina chuid airgid, he squandered his money.
~ sé a chuid le haer an tsaoil, he squandered his substance on worldly pleasure.
~ sé a chuid airgid, he squandered his money.