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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: tar · tara · tarc · tare · tarn
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Seans gur foirm é tar- de: ar »
tar-2, pref. Over-, trans-
tar1, v.i. (pres. tagann, tig, p. tháinig, p. aut. thángthas, fut. tiocfaidh, vn. teacht, pp. tagtha). Come. 1. Approach, arrive; move, travel, towards. Teacht abhaile, to come home. Tá siad ag teacht anseo, they are coming here. Ag teacht isteach sa chistin, coming into the kitchen. ~ i leith, come here. Táimid ag teacht in aice leis an áit, we are coming near the place. Nuair a thiocfaidh tú ar amharc an tí, when you come within sight of the house. Thángamar turas fada, we came a long journey. Thiocfainn céad míle go bhfeicfinn an cluiche sin, I would come a hundred miles to see that match. 2. Come along, proceed. ~ an bealach seo, come this way. Tháinig sé an t-aicearra de rúid, he came dashing along the short-cut. An dtiocfaidh tú chuig an damhsa linn? Will you come to the dance with us? ~ go socair timpeall an chúinne, come easy round the corner. 3. (Of time, events) Arrive, come about, happen. Tá an samhradh ag teacht, summer is coming. Nuair a bhí an oíche ag teacht, when night was coming on. Dá dtiocfadh an aimsir mhaith, if the good weather would come. Ó tháinig an bhliain, since the year began. Nuair a thiocfaidh an t-am, when the time comes. Tiocfaidh an uair agus an ócáid, the hour and the occasion will arise. Má thagann an taisme, if an accident should happen. An rud atá le teacht, what is to come; what is in store. Tháinig a lá, his day came. Tiocfaidh sé luath go leor, it will come soon enough. S.a. imigh 9. 4. Come into existence. Tháinig an Slánaitheoir, the Saviour came. Nuair a tháinig Réabhlóid na Rúise, when the Russian Revolution came. Sin mar a tháinig an Stát, that is how the State came into being. Ó tháinig a gclann, since their children were born. A dtáinig is a dtiocfaidh, all who were or will be. 5. Come forth, issue, spring, appear. Tháinig an síol, the seed sprouted. Tá an geamhar ag teacht, the braird is springing. Tiocfaidh an duilliúr agus ansin an bláth, the leaves will appear and then the flowers. Tháinig an fhuil ina scairdeanna, the blood gushed out. Bhí na deora ag teacht, the tears were beginning to flow. Cas an scriú ar clé agus tiocfaidh sé, turn the screw to the left and it will come out. 6. Return. Ní raibh sé i bhfad amuigh nuair a tháinig sé leis an dea-scéala, he was not long gone until he came back with the good news. Ní thiocfaidh an saol sin arís, those times will not come again. 7. Survive, recover. Bhí sí ar leaba an bháis, ach tháinig sí, she was on her death-bed, but she survived. Ní raibh ann ach ~ nó imigh aige, it was touch and go with him. Bádh eisean is tháinig mise, he drowned and I survived. S.a. caol29, slán21. 8. Reach. Bhí an t-uisce ag teacht os cionn na carraige, the water was rising over the top of the rock. 9. Come to pass. Tháinig tairngreacht Cholm Cille, Colmcille’s prophecy was fulfilled. 10. Fall due. Nuair a tháinig an cairde, when the time of respite expired. 11. Come to parturition. Tháinig an bhó, the cow calved.
tar3 = thar.
tar4 = dar1.
Tar isteach, a Sheáin, come in, Seán.
Tháinig sé a iarraidh iasachta orm, he came to ask me for a loan.
Dul, teacht, ~, to go, to come, home.
3. Níor tháinig sé ~ leis é a dhéanamh, it is not in his nature to do it.
Tháinig sé ~ uaidh féin, he conformed of his own accord.
4. Ní raibh an teacht ~ ann, he had not the strength to recover.
5. Tá sí ag teacht ~, she is expecting.
Chuirfeadh sé thar an ~ tirim thú, he is free with his promises.
Ní ag teacht atá siad ~ ag imeacht, they are not coming but going.
Tiocfaidh sé ~ a gcuirfear fios air, he will come if he is sent for.
~ a dtiocfaidh, dtaga, sé, as soon as he comes.
Tar in ~, come soon, without delay.
Chuaigh sé, chuir sé é féin, thar a ~ leis, he overstrained himself at it, overdid it.
Tháinig siad aniar ~ orm, they took me unawares.
Níl lá san ~ nach dtagann sé, he comes every single day.
Is iontach an ~ a tháinig dó, he took such a peculiar notion.
Is beag acu a tháinig, few of them came.
Bhí sé romham ag teacht dom, he met me when I was coming.
Tháinig sé ag iarraidh airgid orm, he came to ask me for money.
Chonaic mé ag teacht é ~ cóta mór air, I saw him coming and he was wearing an overcoat.
Thit sé ~ é ag dul thar an droichead, he fell as he was crossing the bridge.
Tiocfaidh mé ~ fáilte, I’ll come and most willingly.
A fhad ~ nár tháinig sé chomh fada linn, so long as it did not come near us.
Tiocfaidh sé in ~ ort, you’ll rue it.
Tháinig ~ orm gur labhair mé, I felt ashamed that I had spoken.
Tháinig ~ air, he became cheerful.
Dá mb’~ leis teacht, if he wished to come; if he would only come.
Tig an ~ leis an aois, fretfulness comes with old age.
Tá sé ag teacht i m’~, he is coming to replace me.
Tháinig ~ orm, something queer came over me.
Tháinig sé in ~ dom, he came near enough for me to recognize him.
Rud a ~t ó, thar, rud eile, to distinguish between one thing and another.
D’~ mé (go raibh) an slaghdán ag teacht orm, I realized that I was getting a cold.
Tá ~ saighdiúirí ag teacht orthu, they are beginning to look like soldiers.
Tháinig ~ orm gur labhair mé, I regretted that I had spoken.
Tá sé thar ~ agat, it is high time for you.
Ní thiocfaidh sé in ~ ná in uair, he will be hopelessly late in coming.
San ~ atá le teacht, in the time to come.
Tháinig an t-~ dóibh ciall a bheith acu, it is time they learned sense.
Nuair a tháinig a n-~, when their time came.
Faisean nua atá ag teacht ~, a new fashion that is being introduced.
Nuair a tháinig an dlí nua ~, when the new law was introduced.
1. Tiocfaidh siad ~, they will come tomorrow.
Tháinig Brian an treas ~ orthu, Brian came at them for the third attack.
Aon) lá ~ tháinig sé isteach anseo, one day, on a certain day, he came in here.
Ná tar ar m’~, don’t let me see you; don’t come near me.
Is ~ a tháinig sé agus gan an leabhar leis, actually he came without bringing the book.
ag, ar, faoi, le, ó, roimh, thar, trí, um eclipses
Nuair a tháinig an mhaidin, when morning came.
Tar éis na Féile Bríde, after the feast of St. Brigid.
~ péinte, tarra, coating of paint, of tar.
Aon chith amháin a d’fhliuch iad uile, they are all tarred with the same brush.
4. ~ péinte, tarra, coat of paint, of tar.
5. Péint, tarra, a chur faoi rud, to paint, tar, sth.
~ guail, coal-tar.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht