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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Seans gur foirm é tried de: try »
Thug siad ~ ar na hairm, they tried to grab the weapons.
Thug mé iarraidh ~t faoi, I tried to calm, pacify, him.
Chuaigh sé go ~ agus go crua orm, he tried to persuade me by all means.
Dá gcuireadh sé a bhundún (dearg) amach, no matter how he tried.
Ní raibh aon chleas ina chorp nár fhéach sé, he tried every trick he was capable of.
Chuaigh mé go bog is go ~ air, I tried every means of persuasion with him.
Tá gach aon chúig iompaithe aige, he has tried every stratagem.
Chuaigh de mo dhícheall é a dhéanamh, I tried my best but failed to do it.
Thug mé iarraidh ar éalú as an seomra, I tried to slip out of the room.
Bhí sé ar an ~ chéanna liom féin, he tried the same dodge on me.
Cuireadh ~ chrua orm, I was sorely tried.
dó, no matter how you tried to please him.
Is iomaí ~ ina bhfuair sé a fhéachaint, he was tried in many dangers.
Tá mé ~ acu, they have tried my patience.
Thug siad iarraidh mé a láimhsiú, they tried to manhandle me.
~ sé roimhe agus ina dhiaidh, he tried to ingratiate himself with everybody.
~ an gcéad uair a thug tú faoi, considering it is the first time you tried it.
Rinne sé a mhíle dícheall, he tried his utmost.
~ a fháil ó rud, to be sorely tried by sth.
Níor cuireadh ~ ar bith orainn, nobody tried to stop us.
Shuigh sé go daingean orm é, he tried hard to persuade me of it.
Thaobhaigh mé go crua leis gan dul ann, I tried hard to persuade him not to go there.
Ní raibh cuid a thástála ann, he was tried and found wanting.
Gach cleas dár thionscain sé, every trick he tried.
Thriail siad a chéile, they tried each other out.
Thriail sé éirí, he tried to get up.
~eadh os comhair coiste é, he was tried before a jury.
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