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ualach, m. (gs. -aigh1, pl. -aí). 1. Load, burden. ~ cairte, trucaile, cart-, truck-, load. ~ capaill, horse-load. ~ droma, back-load. ~ féir, guail, gainimh, load of hay, of coal, of sand. ~ a iompar, to carry a load; Fig: to bear a burden. Dul faoi ~, to shoulder a burden. Rud a chur ina ~ ar dhuine, to saddle s.o. with sth. ~ bróin, cúraim, burden of sorrow, of care. Bhí sé ina ~ ar mo chroí, it weighed heavily on my heart. Ní h~ é, it is no encumbrance. S.a. droim 1(a), leisce 1. 2. Mec:Const: Load.
Bíonn ualach ~ air i gcónaí, he always carries a burden.
~ ualaigh, excessive load.
Le ~ ualaigh, with too big a load.
~ droma d’ualach, back-breaking load.
~ cogaidh, céachta, cóiste, rása, seilge, ualaigh, charger, plough-horse, coach-horse, racehorse, hunter, pack-horse.
Tá ualach an chreabhair air, he is embarrassed with debt.
Ualach críonaigh, a load of faggots.
Bhí sé ina ualach ar a chroí, it weighed heavily on his heart.
~ faoi ualach, le haois, bent under a load, with age.
Bhí an t-ualach ag cur thar barr, the load was spilling over.
Ualach ~, intolerable burden.
Chrom Dia an ~ don ualach, God fitted the back for the burden, gave us the capacity to work.
Bhí ~ air faoin ualach, os cionn na tine, he was bent under the burden, hunched over the fire.
Ualach ~, light load.
Ualach, bád, a éadromú, to lighten a load, a boat.
Ualach ~, unbalanced load.
~ an t-ualach air, tighten the load on him.
Bheith ~ ualach, to be carrying a burden.
~ iompair ualaigh, burden-bearer.
~ oibre, ualaigh, capacity to endure work, to bear a load.
~áil faoi ualach, to go under, carry, a load.
Ualach ghiolla na leisce, lazy man’s load.
Ag iompar ualaigh, cloch, litreacha, carrying a load, stones, letters.
Tá ~ ualaigh iontu, they can carry a load.
Tá ualach trom ar ~ agat, you are carrying a heavy load.
~ ualaigh, carrier of load, of burden.
Tá ~ ar an ualach agat, you have tilted the load.
Tá ~ san, ar an, ualach, the load is overweighted on one side, lopsided.
Ualach ghiolla na ~, lazy man’s load.
Ualach a ~ean, to empty a load.
Ualach a ~ean díot, to lay down a load.
Duine a ~ean faoi ualach, to let s.o. bear a burden.
Tá sé ag ~adh faoin ualach, he is bending under the weight of the load.
Tá an t-ualach ag luí chun tosaigh, the load is tilting forward.
~ oibre, ualaigh, heavy strain of work, of load.
~ a chur ar ualach, to heap a load.
Ualach ~, cumbersome load.
Oibreoidh sé thú an t-ualach sin a iompar, it will give you enough to do to carry that load.
Ualach a ~eadh anuas, to set down a load.
Ualach ~í, load of masonry chips, of rubble-stones.
Ualach a tharlú, to haul a load.
Tharraing sé ualach gainimh dom, he drew a load of sand for me.
~ ualaigh, rope for securing load.
Ní rachadh sé faoin ualach dom, he wouldn’t take the load on his back for me.
~ san ualach leis, help him to carry the load.
~fidh an capall faoin ualach sin, the horse will collapse under that load.
Ualach, lasta, ~, heavy load, cargo.
Ualach a thromú, to increase the weight of a load.
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