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The Apostles' Creed, Cré na nAspal.
Bronze statue, dealbh chré-umha.
The Bronze Age, An Chré-Umhaois f.
Pottery clay, cré potaire.
Boulder clay, cré bholláin.
The wall is daubed with clay, tá brat cré ar an mballa.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, ó luaith go luaith, ó chré go cré.
Aluminous earth, cré f alúmanach.
Alkaline earths, créanna alcaileacha.
An earthen pot, pota m cré.
Glazed earthenware, cré-earraí glónraithe.
F: Political faith, cré f pholaitíochta.
God formed man of the dust of the earth, chum Dia an duine de chré na talún.
Fuller's earth, cré f úcaire, boirrchré f.
Generous soil, cré thorthúil.
To be in one's grave, bheith san uaigh, sa chré, ag tabhairt an fhéir.
Red iron ore, cré dhearg.
Loose earth, soil, cré scaoilte, scáinte.
Clay and straw mortar, moirtéal cré is tuí.
The Nicene Creed, Cré f Níséin.
Earthenware pan, soitheach m cré.
Plastic clay, cré shomhúnlaithe.
Potter's clay, cré potaire.
A piece of pottery, earra m cré.
To be redolent of the soil, boladh na cré a bheith uaidh.
To make a religion of doing sth., cré a dhéanamh de rud.
Gold-Min: To rock the ore, an chré órga a shuaitheadh.
To shape clay into a bowl, cuach a dhéanamh de chré.
Metall: Silicon bronze, cré-umha m sileacain.
There is a yellow streak in him, tá an chré bhuí ann.
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