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Similar words: dlú · drús · lús · dealús · diúl
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He is in a hurry with it, tá cruóg, dlús, aige leis.
To hustle things on, dlús a chur leis na gnóthaí.
To give an impetus to sth., fuinneamh nua a chur i rud, dlús a chur le rud.
To precipitate matters, dlús a chur le rudaí.
To press a claim, dlús a chur le héileamh.
To push on the work, dlús a chur leis an obair.
Th: To rush the ending, dlús a chur leis an deireadh.
Look sharp about it! cuir dlús leis!
To smarten up the work, dlús a chur leis an obair.
To speed (up) the work, dlús a chur leis an obair; luathú leis an obair.
F: To step up the work, dlús a chur leis an obair.
To give a stimulus to trade, dlús a chur le trádáil.
To urge on, forward, a piece of work, dlús a chur le hobair; obair a dheifriú.
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