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luaidhe could be a grammatical form of: luaidh »
Nau: Cast of the lead, urchar m den luaidhe.
Nau: To cast the lead, an luaidhe a theilgean.
He is clever with his pencil, is é atá in ann an peann luaidhe a oibriú.
His heart died within him, rinneadh cnap luaidhe chroí.
To heave the lead, an luaidhe a chaitheamh amach; an doimhne a thomhas.
Sm.a: Lead shot, grán m luaidhe.
White, red, yellow, lead, luaidhe bhán, dhearg, bhuí.
Window leads, luaidhe fuinneoige; laitís f luaidhe.
Loaded cane, smachtín m ceann luaidhe.
Lead pencil, peann m luaidhe.
To pencil a note, nóta a scríobh le peann luaidhe.
To pepper the enemy with bullets, cith luaidhe a scaoileadh leis an namhaid.
Red lead, luaidhe dhearg.
Pen given in return for a pencil, peann a tugadh ar pheann luaidhe, mar mhalairt ar pheann luaidhe.
To run lead into a joint, luaidhe a dhoirteadh isteach in alt.
Saturnine poisoning, luaidhe-nimhiú m.
Com: Leaden seal, séala luaidhe.
Panes set in lead, pánaí daingnithe le luaidhe.
To sharpen a pencil, barr a chur ar pheann luaidhe.
Pencil-sharpener, biorthóir m peann luaidhe.
Lead(en) shell, fochónra luaidhe.
Soft pencil, peann luaidhe bog.
A.Ch: Sugar of lead, siúcra f luaidhe.
Paper, pens, pencils and what not, páipéar, pinn, pinn luaidhe, agus gach uile shórt, agus rudaí eile mar sin.
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