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~ buíochas uaim, please accept my thanks.
Luí faoi bhris, to endure a loss; to accept a bad bargain.
Glac a bhfaighidh tú is ná bí ag ~, accept without complaint whatever you get.
~ a ghlacadh ó dhuine, to accept a consideration from s.o.
Le cúinsí móra a ghlac sé é, he accepted it after a lot of fuss, of coaxing.
Ghlac sé leis gan chúinse, he accepted it unconditionally.
Ár dtoil a chur le toil Dé, to accept the will of God.
de) Cur suas de rud, to refuse to accept sth.
Ghlac sé leis ar na cuntair sin, he accepted it on those terms.
~ glacadh leis, be pleased to accept it.
1. ~ a dhéanamh, a thabhairt, a fháil, a ghlacadh, (i, as, rud), to make, give, get, accept, payment (for sth.).
uaim, he declined to accept the price of it from me.
Tá siad ag diúltú romhainn ina dtithe, they decline to accept us in their houses.
~ airgid, comhairle, refusal to give, to accept, money, advice.
~ d’údarás, refusal to accept authority.
Níor dhoicheallaigh sé nuair a tairgeadh an t-airgead dó, he did not show unwillingness to accept when offered the money.
Rud a fhaomhadh ó dhuine, to accept sth. from s.o.
~aim gach ní a deir tú liom, I accept everything you say to me.
Leithscéal duine a ghabháil, to accept s.o.’s apology; to excuse s.o. (Of reception)
~aim agus glacaim í, I take and accept her (as spouse).
An drong nár ghabh leis mar thiarna, those people who did not accept him as their lord.
~aim leat, I accept your offer, your challenge.
Cairdeas a ghabháil ó dhuine, to accept s.o.’s friendship.
Bille a ghealladh, to accept a bill.
Ghéill éigse dó, learned men accepted his authority.
Níor ghéill siad don rabhadh, they didn’t accept the warning.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to submit to s.o.; to accept s.o.’s authority; to give way to s.o.
Rud a ghlacadh ó dhuine, to accept sth. from s.o.
Bronntanas, síntiús, breab, a ghlacadh, to accept a present, a subscription, a bribe.
Má ghlacann tú mo chuireadh, if you accept my invitation.
Dualgas, freagracht, a ghlacadh, to accept a duty, a responsibility.
Cúram ruda a ghlacadh, to accept the care of sth.
6. ~adh le rud, to accept, admit, sth.
~adh le fianaise, le forógra, le masla, to accept evidence, a proclamation, an insult.
Ghlac siad leis mar chomhairleoir, they accepted him as counsellor.
~aimis le toil Dé, let us accept the will of God.
Rud nach féidir ~adh leis, something that cannot be accepted.
~ a bheith agat ar rud, to be willing to accept sth.
~ duine a ghabháil, to accept s.o.’s apology; to excuse s.o.
Ghabh siad ~ lena gcinniúint, they accepted their fate.
Ná ~ a chúram ort, don’t accept responsibility for it.
~im leat, I accept your challenge (to pick a team).
Cuir do mhéar ansin, put your (wetted) finger there (on wetted finger), accept a challenge to fight.
Ní mó ná sin is féidir glacadh leis (go), no more than that can it be accepted (that).
Rud a ghlacadh ina mhórmhisneach, to accept sth. philosophically.
~ raibh tú sásta leis cad chuige ar ghlac tú é? If you were not satisfied with it why did you accept it?
Bheith faoi shotal do dhuine, to be subservient to s.o., to accept insolence from s.o.
Thug sé isteach do mo chuid cainte, he accepted what I said.
Ní bhfuair mé ar mo thairiscint é, my offer for it was not accepted.
Thaobhaigh sé liom an post a ghlacadh, he urged me to accept the post.
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