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~ a thabhairt ar namhaid, to attack an enemy.
~ longfoirt, camp attack.
~ oíche, night attack.
Tháinig Brian an treas ~ orthu, Brian came at them for the third attack.
Ag deargadh beara ar dhuine, attacking, reviling, s.o.
~ a thabhairt faoi dhuine, to make a dash at, attack, s.o.
Ionsaí a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to make an attack on s.o.
~adh ar dhuine, to draw blood from s.o.; to attack s.o.
~ airm, the bloodying of weapons; armed attack. (Of horse)
Ag gabháil dá chéile ~, attacking each other vigorously.
~ (de shlaghdán) a fháil, to get a bad attack (of a cold).
Thug sé ~ uirthi, he made an indecent attack on her.
~ (shlaghdáin) a fháil, to get a bad attack (of a cold).
~ orthu! Attack them!
~ a thabhairt faoi dhuine, to make an attack on s.o.
Tá siad feistithe chun a chéile, they are all set to attack each other.
Duine a ionsaí go ~, to attack s.o. furiously.
~ a thabhairt faoi dhuine, to make a dart at, attack, s.o.
Bheith ~ chuig duine, to be ready to attack s.o.
Den chéad fhras, at the first attack (with missiles).
Ghabh sé orm dólámhach, he made a two-fisted attack on me.
Amas ~, dangerous attack.
Ionsaí ~a, surprise attack.
Bhí ~ air, he had a bilious attack.
~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to try to reach s.o.; to attempt to attack s.o.
Fuair sé ~ mhór, he had a severe attack.
~ a dhéanamh ar áit, to advance upon, attack, a place.
An namhaid a ionsaí, to attack the enemy.
Duine a ionsaí le harm, to attack s.o. with a weapon.
Ag ionsaí agus ag argain na tíre, attacking and plundering the country.
~acha a thógáil ar dhuine, to welt s.o.; to make a blistering verbal attack on s.o.
~adh (isteach) ar dhuine, to close in on s.o.; to attack s.o.
Dul sa mhuineál ag duine, to take s.o. by the neck, to attack s.o.
Ruathar ~eanna, attack of worms (in cattle).
~ aosán, sudden (mysterious) attack of illness.
~ thinnis, attack of illness.
Bheith ~ chuig duine, to be ready to attack s.o.
Mura ~e ~fear (ort), attack is the best form of defence.
Tá siad sáite ina chéile, they are attacking one another.
Ionsaí a sheasamh, to withstand an attack.
~t faoi dhuine, to attack s.o.
~ longfoirt, camp attack.
1. ~ tinnis, attack of illness.
~ an bháis, fatal attack (of illness).
Thug an ~ sin leis é, that attack carried him off.
Ar a d~ san oíche, trying to attack them at night.
2. ~ (tinnis), attack (of illness).
Thosaigh sé orm, he began to attack me, to give out to me.
Thug sé ~ orthu, he made an attack on them.
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