A dhíth (ar), needed (by).
Bhí siad á moladh aige, they were being praised by him.
Tá sé ar ~ aici, he is captivated by her.
~ lámh anoir, lámh aniar, from north by east, by west.
~ liom féin, apart by myself.
Buí ag an ngrian, tanned by the sun.
In ~ láithreach, near, close, by.
~ an chronaithe, a wasting disease (supposed to be caused by witchcraft).
Fuair an féar ~, the hay was spoiled by rain, retted.
Ar, in, ~ ag, in service with, hired for a period by.
Is ionadh liom sin a bheith ina ~ ort, it is strange that you should be puzzled by that.
Labhair ina ~ leis, speak to him by name.
~ amach, call out by name.
Teach airneáin, a house frequented by night-visitors.
D’~eas Aoibheall taobh liom, I dreamt I saw Aoibheall by my side.
Iompar, siúl, glór, duine a ~t, to recognize s.o. by his carriage, walk, voice.
Duine a ~t ar dhuine eile, as duine eile, to recognize s.o. by his resemblance to s.o. else.
D’~ mé air go raibh sé tuirseach, I saw by him that he was tired.
As ~ a mhalaí, by the sweat of his brow.
An t-~, the time (by clock, etc.).
~ na gréine, the time by the sun.
Faoin ~ seo, by this time.
~ (ar) an doras, out by, through, the door.
Ar ~ an tsaoil, by good fortune.
Is iad is fearr ~ is amach, they are by far the best.
M’~, m’~ le Dia, gur fíor é, by my soul (I swear) it is true.
~ lámh anoir, lámh aniar, from south by east, by west.
~ lámh aduaidh, aneas, from west by north, by south.
~ aduaidh lámh aduaidh, lámh ~, from north-west by north, by west.
~ aneas lámh aneas, lámh ~, from south-west by south, by west.
~ lámh aduaidh, aneas, from east by north, by south.
~ aduaidh lámh aduaidh, lámh ~, from north-east by north, by east.
~ aneas lámh aneas, lámh ~, from south-east by south, by east. ~
Tá mé i m’~, I am by myself, alone.
D’aon ~, by general consent.
Bhí an chaora ar adharc aige, he held the sheep by the horn.
Ar m’anam, ar mo choinsias, by my soul, by my conscience.
Ceann ar cheann, céim ar chéim, one by one, step by step.
Chuaigh sé amach ar an doras, he went out by the door.
Ar an mbád, ar an traein, by boat, train.
Gnóthaigh, caill, ar, gain, lose, by.
Faoin am seo ~, by this time next year.
~ fhoilsiú ag, published by.
Rinne sé as a neart, as a stuaim, féin é, he did it by his own strength, ingenuity.
Aithním as a mhuintir, as a shiúl, é, I recognize him from his people, by his walk.
As a chéile tháinig siad uile, one by one they all came.
Ní dhéanfadh sé maith as féin, he would be useless by himself.
Bhailigh sé thart ar ball, he passed by a while ago.
Lúb a bhaint de shlabhra, to shorten a chain by a link.
Bhaist tú é! You have called it by its proper name!