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Similar words: cut-off · put off · cast off · cast-off · cuff
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Ó chiorraigh an chinniúint ár leoin, since fate cut off our warriors.
Ar chúl na gréine, cut off from the sun.
Ghearr sí dá muinchille é, she cut it off her sleeve.
Bain na heireabaill de, cut the loose ends off it.
~adh an ceann de, his head was cut off.
Ná déan ~ de do rún, don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. (Of food, etc.)
~ siad a cheann leis, they cut off his head.
Bhí mé ~tha amach ó mo dhaoine, I was cut off from my people.
Tú féin a ~eadh ón saol, to cut oneself off from the world.
~ den spóla, a cut off the joint.
Do shonas a thabhairt ar do dhonas, to cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face.
Bhí siad ag ~eadh a chéile, they were cutting the shins off one another; they were in a mad scramble.
~ a ghearradh, a stróiceadh, de rud, to cut, to tear, a strip off sth.
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