Na daoine ~a, the fairies.
~ sí, draoi, suain, fairy, druidic, sleep, charm.
~ na gcnoc, (i) hill-folk, (ii) fairies.
Fuadaíodh as é, he was spirited away (as by fairies).
~ sí, (i) fairy, phantom, lover, (ii) baleful influence, (iii) sickly complaining person.
~ na mban sí, fairy flax, purging flax.
Mhill an slua sí iad, the fairy host cast a blight over them.
Aos ~, inhabitants of fairy mounds, fairies.
Bean ~, fairy woman, banshee.
An slua ~, the fairy host.
Tugadh as é, (i) he was spirited away (as by the fairies), (ii) ‘he was here before’, he is a changeling.
2. Na huaisle, the good people, the fairies.
~ cnoic, ~ díobhaill, ~ millte, ‘fairy dart’, louping-ill.