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Similar words: get up · got-up · let-up · set-up · set up
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~ ar éirigh mé ar maidin, when I got up in the morning.
Ar éirí dom, when I get, got, up.
Chuaigh na maidí rámha in ~ orthu, their oars got mixed up.
Tá mé i mo bhall séire acu, they have got me all mixed up.
Léine a bhláthnú, to smooth, get up, a shirt.
~ ar do rothar agus bain as, get up on your bicycle and be off.
Troid a chur ar ~, to get up a fight.
Tá sé ina chéir bheach agat, you have got it all mixed up.
Ná déan ~ den leanbh, don’t get the child all mixed up.
Má thógann tú ~ air, if you get his dander up.
D’éirigh ~ air chugam, he got his dander up against me.
Duine a choipeadh, to get s.o. worked up.
Suim airgid a dhéanamh suas, to make up, get together, a sum of money.
Ól na dí seirbhe a thabhairt ar rud, to face up to an unpleasant situation, to get a disagreeable task over and done with.
Éirigh go ~, get up at once.
Bhí siad go ~ ag éirí, they were just getting up.
Ní ligfeadh an ~ dó éirí, he was too lazy to get up.
Tráth, am, éirithe, time to get up.
Ag éirí dom ar maidin, when I get up in the morning.
D’~ an leanbh le cos na cathaoireach, the child got up with the aid of the chair leg.
~ suas as sin, get up out of there.
Ní raibh mé ach tar ~ éirí, I had only just got up.
~ ag éirí, lazy to get up.
Dearc an ~ atá air, look at his get-up.
~ a dhéanamh de rudaí; rudaí a chur i bh~, to get things all mixed up.
Tá sé in am dúinn a bheith ag ~ suas, it is time for us to wind up operations, to get our things together.
Bhí sé á ghriogadh féin chun feirge, he was getting worked up.
Thug sé ~ ar éirí, he made as if to get up.
Níl mé ag ~aidh éirí go fóill, I don’t want to get up yet.
Dul in ~ ar, to get up on, mount.
Leabhar, páipéar nuachta, a ~an amach, to get up a book, a newspaper.
~ ort (féin), get down to it; hurry up.
Is ~ liom éirí, I don’t like to get up.
Tá cead ~ agus éirí agam, I can lie down and get up when I wish, I am my own master.
Éirí ar ~, to get up in the morning.
Ná ~ thú féin ann, don’t get yourself mixed up with it.
Nach ~ a d’éirigh tú? Didn’t you get up early?
~ éirí ar maidin, before getting up in the morning.
Tá an cás ag dul chun siobarnaí air, he is getting the case all mixed up.
Ná bain do shúil de chabhair, don’t give up hope of getting help.
~ n-éiríonn siad ar maidin, before they get up in the morning.
Éirigh go ~, get up quick.
Ní féidir liom teacht air in airde ansin, I can’t get at it up there.
Ag teacht i méid, getting big, growing up.
Má thosaíonn sé ní thiocfaidh stad air, if he gets going there will be no let-up with him.
Tá ~ éirí ann, it is time to get up.
Thriail sé éirí, he tried to get up.
Tuirsíodh den chlampar mé, I got fed up with the wrangling.
Dráma a ullmhú don stáitse, to get up a play for the stage.
Ag ~ troda, getting up a fight.
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