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Ná h~ an focal sin orm, don’t hold that statement against me.
Teach agus ~, house and holding.
~ dhá bhó, two-cow holding.
Lig ~ é, (i) let him (go) out, (ii) release (your hold on) him.
An áit ~, the out-holding.
Bhí an chaora ar adharc aige, he held the sheep by the horn.
Beidh a mbás ort, you will be held responsible for their death.
In ~, in exalted station; holding supreme power.
Fágadh cosaint an ~a orm, I was left to hold the fort.
Fágadh mise i mbun an bhacáin, I was left holding the baby.
~ a dhéanamh, to hold a wedding, celebrate a marriage.
Breith ar rud, to catch, take hold of, sth.
Bhíodh comórtais ann, competitions used to be held.
Tairne, greim, a bhogadh, to loosen a nail, a hold.
~ loinge, hold of ship.
1. ~ uisce, water held in cupped hands.
Tá sé ina bhrá acu, they have caught, arrested, him; they are holding him prisoner.
2. ~ gill, (i) hostage held for ransom, (ii) (source of) wealth.
I m~ loinge, in the hold of a ship.
I ngreim an dá bhruach, holding on to both banks, in a precarious position.
Tar éis a bhfuil de bhuaic os a chionn, though he is held in such high regard.
~eadh amach as a ghabháltas é, he was evicted from his holding.
Tá a cheann san aer, sa spéir, aige, he holds his head (high) in the air.
Cá bhfuil an ~ anocht? Where is the card-playing being held to-night?
Bhain sé ~ den iomlán acu, he held his own against the whole lot of them.
Bhí sé ag ceartú dúinn ar feadh na hoíche, he was holding forth to us on matters all night.
Gabh chugat an scian, take (hold of) the knife.
Cuir, coinnigh, ~ é, place, hold, it sideways.
Bhí breith ~ aige, he had the winning of the game, held the winning card.
Uisce a choimeád, to hold water.
Choimeád an téad, the rope held.
Rópa a choinneáil, to hold a rope.
Uisce a choinneáil, to hold water.
Níor choinnigh aon duine cúl air, nobody held him back.
~ ort! Hold on!
~ a thabhairt do dhuine. a choinneáil le duine, to hold, keep up, a conversation with s.o.
An ~ a choinneáil ar an spaga, to hold the purse-strings.
Do theanga a chostadh, to hold one’s tongue.
Ag cothú na háite sin, holding on in that place.
Níl teach ná ~ aige, he has neither house nor hold.
Tá ~ ar a chuid aige, he holds on to what he gets.
~ a thionól, to hold a meeting.
Choinnigh sí ~ ar na deora, she held back her tears.
a leagan, a choinneáil, a rianú, to set, hold, chart, a course.
Dul i n~ duine, to go to meet, hold tryst, with s.o.
Bíodh do bharúil féin agat ach tá an ceart aige, ~ liomsa, you may hold your own opinion, but I think he is right.
Bainis a dhéanamh, to hold a wedding.
Aonach Tailteann, Feis Teamhrach, a dhéanamh, to hold the Fair of Teltown, the Feis of Tara.
~ a bheith ort, to be held in high repute.
Níl ann ach go bhfuil mé i n~ a chéile, I can scarcely hold myself together (with weakness).
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