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Gunna mór a bheartú, to lay a cannon.
Luíochán a bheartú, to lay an ambush.
Ubh a bhreith, to lay an egg.
~ a leagan, a ghlanadh, to lay, clear, a table.
Bheith ó bhreith, to be off the lay.
Luí na mbuillí a chur ar dhuine, to lay into, trounce, s.o.
Cruach a bhunú, to lay the foundation of a stack.
An bhunchloch a leagan, to lay the foundation-stone.
~ a leagan, to lay a cable.
~ a ghearradh, a leagan, ar rud, to lay a tax on sth.
Dul chun na ~e, to die, to be laid to rest.
Duine a chur i gcré na ~e, to lay s.o. in consecrated earth, to bury s.o.
1. Duine a chur i gcionta le rud, to lay the blame for sth. on s.o.
An chloch bhoinn a chur, a leagan, to lay the foundation stone.
Corp a chóiriú, to lay out a corpse.
Cloch a chur ar a ~, to lay a stone on its edge, on its narrow end.
Bheith, dul, i g~, to be laid in earth, buried.
Cábla a chur, to lay a cable.
Tuí a chur, to lay thatch.
Airgead a chur amach ar rud, to lay out money on sth.
Lón a chur isteach, to lay in provisions.
Brat urláir a chur síos, to lay a carpet.
~ a chur in aghaidh duine, to lay a charge against s.o.
~ (brící, cloch) a chur, to lay a course (of bricks, of stone).
Taibhse a dhíbirt, to lay a ghost.
~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to indict, lay an indictment against, s.o.
~ a bheith ort, to be laid up for a long time with illness.
~ a thógáil, a chur (síos), to build, lay (down), a foundation.
Rud a fhágáil uait, to lay aside sth.
Airgead a fhágáil thart, to lay money by.
Airgead a chur i bh~, to put money in reserve; to lay money by.
Teacht, dul, i bh~ ar áit, to encamp against, lay siege to, a place.
~ a chur ar, as, rud, to lay a wager on sth.
3. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to lay into sth.
Bheith ar ~, to be on the ground; to be laid low, fallen.
Bheith ar do ~, to be abed; to be laid up.
Cloch bhoinn a ~an, to lay a foundation stone.
Brící, cáblaí, a ~an, to lay bricks, cables.
Bóthar iarainn, long, a ~an, to lay down a railroad, a ship.
Bord a ~an, to lay a table.
Ní raibh aon áit agam a ~fainn mo cheann, I had no place to lay my head.
Bhí garraí le ~an amach agam, I had to lay out a garden.
Scéim a ~an amach, to lay out a scheme.
Rud a ~an ar an talamh, to lay sth. on the ground.
Cáin a ~an ar rud, to lay a tax on sth.
Bheith ~tha suas, to be laid up.
Ualach a ~ean díot, to lay down a load.
Bhí na cearca i ndeireadh a ~, the hens were about to stop laying.
An ~ a chur ar dhuine faoi rud, to lay the blame on s.o. for sth.
Bia a lónú, to lay in food; to hoard food.
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