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lena, lenár : le1.
Tharraing lena ~ air, he struck at it as hard as he could.
uair againn lena dhéanamh, we have an hour in which to do it.
An rud atá in ~ lena thoil, what he really wishes.
Níl in ~ lena chroí, he is not sincere about it.
Ag imeacht lena ~, making off with his bundle, swag.
Níl an t-~ agam lena dhéanamh, I havent the time to do it.
Bhí ~ lena chuid airgid, leis an ól, he was over-generous with his money, with drink.
Dimigh lena ~ orthu, he escaped with his life from them.
Rith lena ~; rith i mbarr, i dtánaiste, ar theann, a ~a, he ran for his life.
Chomh dócha lena ~, as likely as not.
lena bhéal é, I said it to his face.
~ lena anam, God rest his soul.
Dimigh lena bheo orthu, he escaped with his life from them.
fheicfidh é lena bheo lena mharbh; fheicfidh a bheo a mharbh, you will not see him alive or dead.
mbeadh a bheo chomh díreach lena mharbh, if he were as straight in life as in death.
Bhroid lena uillinn , he nudged me with his elbow.
deireadh lena bhuairt, his troubles are over.
~ lena chomharsana, he is at variance with, different from, his neighbours.
An rud ba bhunsiocair lena bhás, what really brought about his death.
~ aige lena chuid cainte, he has first-hand authority for what he states; he knows what he is talking about.
Bhí ~ lena mhuintir féin, he was callous towards his own people.
Lena aghaidh a ~adh é, it was designed for that purpose.
Cad é atá ~ lena lámh? Whats the matter with his hand?
Lena cheart (féin) a thabhairt , to give him his due.
An chaoi cheart lena dhéanamh, the right way to do it.
Lena mar is ~, to say it properly.
Ag siúl le chéile, lena chéile, walking together; courting.
Ag cur lena chéimíocht, befitting his rank.
~ dócha lena athrach, as likely as not.
~ na máthar lena clann, a mothers leaning towards her children.
Chleacht siad fíon lena gcuid, they were accustomed to take wine with their food.
Níor chloígh lena ghealltanas, he did not abide by his promise.
Chnag lena dhorn, le bata, é, he struck him hard with his fist, with a stick.
Bhí ~ déanta lena anam aige, he had given himself up for lost.
Bhí ~ cúir lena bhéal, he was foaming at the mouth.
Lena chóir (féin) a thabhairt , to give him his due.
Bhí ~ lena chomharsana, he was fair-minded, generous, towards his neighbours.
~ lena shaol air, he is marked for life.
a chomharthaí lena chois, he looks the part; ‘signs on it’.
Ag siúl lena chois, walking along with him.
A chú lena chois, his hound at his side, keeping pace with him.
Cuireadh a chlú lena chois, his reputation followed him.
Lena chois sin, along with that; besides.
~ lena athair, he is like his father.
mbeidís ag cur lena g~, if they were as good as they look.
a chosúlacht lena chois, it is self-evident.
~ lena chuid oibre, he is up to date with his work.
Mar atá Dia lena chréatúir, as God is to His creatures.
Ag ~ lena chuid, nibbling at his food.
Chuach lena hucht é, she hugged him to her breast.
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