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Chuaigh sé d’~ thairis, he bounded over it.
~ anseo, over here.
Tá buntáiste aige orm, he has an advantage over me.
Cuir uait na hagallaimh sin ort, give over your waggishness.
Le h~, through over-sight.
San, ag, ~ ar, watchful over; on the alert against.
Coinnigh ~ orthu, watch over them.
Trí mhí agus lá le háireamh, three months and a day over, extra.
Tháinig ~ orm, something queer came over me.
~ an sliabh, out over the mountain.
Chuaigh sé an cnoc ~, he went off over the hill.
Bhí sé ~ lena chuid airgid, leis an ól, he was over-generous with his money, with drink.
Tá an cluiche ~, the game is over, won.
Níl maith sa seanchas nuair a bhíos an ~ déanta, it is no use crying over spilt milk.
~ as Sasana, over from England.
Tar ~ anseo, come over here.
Druid ~ liom, come over closer to me.
Tá sé ~, he has come over, arrived.
Cuir do lámh ~ tharam, put your arm over me (from behind).
Cuir casóg ~ thar do shlinneáin, pull a coat over your shoulders.
~ an bóthar, over the road (from easterly direction).
~ thar (an) abhainn, over, to the other side of, the river.
~ go Meiriceá, over to America.
Gabh ~ chuige, go over to him.
Seas ~ uaim, stand over, across, from me.
Ná bí ~ ná anall leis an scéal, don’t shilly shally over it.
Abhus ~, over here.
~ thall, over there.
Thall ~, further over; over beyond.
Faoin, thar an, ~, under, over, age.
Tá sé ina ~ marbh eatarthu, neither of them has gained an advantage over the other.
Tá buntáiste aige ort, he has an advantage over you.
Spréigh, scaip, ar, spread, scatter, over.
Smaoinigh, meabhraigh, machnaigh, cuimhnigh, ar, think of, meditate on, ponder over, remember.
Fan san ~ air, keep the advantage over him.
os do chionn é, raise it over your head.
Ar ais ~, back again; all over again.
Chuaigh siad as a smacht, he lost control over them.
5. Ráite agus ~ráite, said over and over again.
Éadach leapa a athchóiriú ar dhuine, to readjust bedclothes over s.o.
~ a chur ort féin le rud, to give oneself the trouble of doing sth. over again.
Tá sé ag athrú ar an leann, he is changing over to ale.
Ráite agus ~, repeated over and over.
Rud a dhéanamh ~, an ~, to do sth. a second time, over again.
Ag ~t na sál, na gcos, dá chéile, treading on each other’s heels; tripping over each other in their hurry.
~ bán, purulent eruption from over-ripe grain or potato.
I ndeireadh ~, at length, when all was over.
Ó bhaithis (an chinn) go bonn (na coise), from head to foot, all over.
Bhí gach ~ díom brúite, I was bruised all over.
Ar fud an bhaill, all over the place.
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