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Is maith an té atá ag tabhairt achasáin uaidh, the pot calling the kettle black.
~ fuail, chamber-pot.
Ná lig thar bhéal an phota é, don’t let it overflow the pot.
Ní dhéanann ~ brachán, beauty will not boil the pot.
Chomh ~ le hadharc reithe, le cam lúbáin, le cos (deiridh) an mhadra, as crooked as a ram’s horn, as a pot-hook, as a dog’s (hind) leg;
~ an chorcáin leis an gciteal, the pot calling the kettle black.
~ boilg, pot-belly.
~ pota, bosca, lid of pot, of box.
~ cupáin, pota, tobáin, handle of cup, pot, tub.
Chnag sé an pota ar an urlár, he banged the pot on the floor.
Pota cnuasaigh, pot for cooking shell-fish, etc.
~ seastáin, pota, leg of stand, of pot.
Pota, soitheach, ~, earthen pot, vessel.
~ (pota), pot-hanger.
Potaí gliomach a chur, to set lobster pots.
Tá an pota ag cur amach, the pot is boiling over.
Pota a chur síos, to put a pot on.
Tá an pota ag cur thairis, thar maoil, the pot is spilling over.
Chuir sé ~ sa chorcán, he dinted the pot.
Chomh ~ le hairne, le bac, le cleite an fhéich, le gual, le pic, le sméar, le tóin corcáin, le Poll Tí Liabáin, as black as a sloe, as a hob, as a raven’s feather, as coal, as pitch, as a berry, as the bottom of a pot, as Erebus.
~ an phíopáin, tea-pot.
Pota an ghoirm, pot for boiling homespun in blue dye.
Chuir sí síos ~ phrátaí, she put on a huge pot of potatoes.
2. ~ (pota), coating of soot (on pot).
Chuir sí an flainín ina ~ sa chorcán, she folded the flannel into the pot.
~ soithigh, pota, (flat) lid of vessel, of pot.
Tá an corcán ag ~ean uaidh, the pot is leaking.
Soitheach, pota, ag ~ean tríd, a vessel, a pot, leaking.
5. ~ pota, corcáin, pot-hook.
~ leitean, pota, pot-stick.
Is aici atá an ~ leitean, she wields the pot-stick, rules the roost.
Tá an corcán ag cur thar ~, the pot is overflowing.
Brachán, pota, a mheascadh, to stir porridge, a pot.
~ cré, iarainn, earthenware, iron, pot.
~ uisce, feola, prátaí, pot of water, of meat, of potatoes.
~í feola, flesh-pots.
~ stofa, stew-pot.
Is breá an ~ a dhéanfaidh sé, it will make a fine bird for the pot.
An P~ Pádraig, ‘St. Patrick’s Pot,’ drink to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
~ gliomach, portán, lobster-, crab-, pot.
Bia, scadán, potáin, potted food, herring.
~ bláthanna, flower-pot.
Slat agus ~, hook and perforated bar (for hanging pot, etc., over fire).
Pota a sciomradh, to scrub a pot.
Pota a ~adh, to scrape a pot.
~a prátaí ar phota, scrapings of potatoes in a pot.
~ croiche, transverse bar of pot-rack.
~ phota, pot-hook.
Potaí stóir, storage pots.
Thóg sí an pota den tine, she lifted the pot off the fire.
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