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Daoine a chur in ~ le, ina, chéile, to set people quarrelling.
Ag ~ is ag bruíon, bickering and quarrelling.
Ag beochan bruíne, stirring up a quarrel.
Ag troid is ag ~, fighting and quarrelling.
Ag ~, quarrelling, causing trouble.
3. Bhí na mná ag ~adh a chéile, the women were pulling each other’s hair, fighting, quarrelling.
~ na gcarad, quarrel between friends.
Ní buan ~ na gcarad, a quarrel between friends is soon healed.
Dul i g~ le duine, to quarrel, contend violently, with s.o.
Ag troid faoi chríocha, quarrelling about land boundaries.
Daoine a ~, to interpose oneself between, to separate, people (fighting, quarrelling).
Ag troid, ag gleic, faoin ~ fholamh, fighting, quarrelling, to no purpose, over nothing.
Is ~ an rud a thógfadh achrann, very little could raise a quarrel.
Is ~ leis achrann a thógáil, he is apt to cause a quarrel.
Achrann a ghéarú, to aggravate a quarrel.
Ag priocadh is ag ~adh ar a chéile, ‘pricking and pecking at one another’, quarrelling among themselves.
~ a thógáil, a chothú, a chur ina suí, to cause, promote, stir up, a quarrel.
~ a dhéanamh, a thógáil, to make mischief, to create a quarrel.
Is fearr foighne ná ~, it is better to be patient than to quarrel.
Ag ~, quarrelling, creating mischief.
Tá siad ag ~e a chéile ar fad, they are always quarrelling.
Bíonn dhá dtrian ~e ar fhear fógartha, he who calls a quarrel must take two-thirds of the blame.
An rud ba shiocair leis an achrann, what gave rise to the quarrel.
Achrann ~, perpetual quarrelling.
~ amach, falling-out, quarrel.
Bhí ~ amach eatarthu, they had a quarrel.
An mian leat tuilleadh achrainn a thógáil orainn? Do you want to involve us in a further quarrel?
Ag ~ le chéile, fighting, quarrelling, with one another.
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