~ abhann, source, upper reaches, of river.
2. ~ gill, (i) hostage held for ransom, (ii) (source of) wealth.
~ a thabhairt le rud, to give source, authority, for sth.
Siar go ~, back to source.
Tá ~ agus údar agam leis, I can give source and authority for it.
Tá údar ~ agam leis, I have it from a creditable source.
Níl pingin ar a thús ná ar a dheireadh, he hasn’t a penny from any source, in the world.
~ abhann, source of river.
~ solais, source of light.
~ eolais, well of knowledge; source of information.
~ chointinne, source of contention.
~ foinse, reference to source.
~ abhann, uisce, source of river, of water.
~ chointinne, chogaidh, source of contention, of war.
Is mór an ~ é, it is a great source of satisfaction.
Is mór an t~ dóibh é, it is a great source of happiness for them.
Tá sé ag teacht chun imní uirthi, it is becoming a source of anxiety to her.
Bhí ~ chuige aige, he had something to draw on, a source of revenue.
Bhí sé ina ábhar ~í acu, it was a source of amusement to them.
Fuair mé ó ~ maith é, I got it from a reliable source.