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Dá mbeadh caint ag na clocha, if stones could speak.
Ní fhéadfainn, ~ mo dhícheall a dhéanamh, an chloch sin a thógáil, I could not lift that stone, even if I did my best.
~ chloiche, large stone.
3. ~ (cloiche), large stone.
Scilling an chloch, a shilling per stone.
Dóigh agus ~ a chuardach, to leave no stone unturned.
Ar cheap cloiche, on a stone base.
Chomh marbh le h~, stone dead.
Cipíní, clocha, a bhailiú, to gather sticks, stones.
Clocha, gairbhéal, a bhaint, to quarry stones, gravel.
Aithinne, splanc, a bhaint as cloch, to knock a spark out of a stone.
~ cloiche, brící, adóibe, fód, stone, brick, adobe, earthen, wall.
Bheith bliain d’aois, troigh ar airde, slat ar fad, tonna meáchain, punt an chloch, to be a year old, a foot high, a yard long, a ton weight, a pound a stone.
Ag biathú na gcloch orainn, showering stones at us.
~ prátaí, six stone of potatoes.
Chomh ~ le cloch, le slis, le bodhrán, stone-deaf.
Cloch a bhogadh, to move, dislodge, a stone.
2. ~ cloiche, casting-stone.
~ a chur faoi charraig, to insert a levering stone under a rock.
~ cloch, stone-breaker.
Clocha, salann, a bhrú, to pound stones, salt.
Cloch bhua, precious stone.
Bhuaigh aige, leis, an chloch a thógáil, he succeeded in lifting the stone.
~ cloiche, stone-bruise.
An bhunchloch a leagan, to lay the foundation-stone.
2. ~ chloiche, lump of stone.
~ chloiche, small ashlar; lump of stone.
~ cloiche, flat circular stone (as substitute for quoit).
~ (na) Lochlannach, ‘Danish Fort’, ancient stone fort.
~ cloch, stone-thrower.
Cloch a chaitheamh, to throw a stone.
Chaith sé cloch, urchar, liom, he threw a stone, fired a shot at me.
~ cloiche, meáchain, oird, stone-, weight-, hammer-, throwing.
Théadh sé i g~ chúng chloiche do thabhairt péine dá chorp, he used to confine himself in a narrow stone cell in order to mortify his body.
~ cloch, heap of stones.
~ cloch, créafóige, bruscair, heap of stones, of clay, of rubbish.
Clocha, gairbhéal, sneachta, a chartadh, to clear away stones, gravel, snow.
Clocha a cheangal, to bind stones.
~ cloiche, block of stone; stone post.
Tá ~ cloiche meáchain ann, it weighs a quarter of a stone.
~ (cloiche) siúcra, quarter (stone) of sugar.
~ chloiche, stone step.
Níl cloch ná ~ ar áit an tí sin anois, where that house stood there is neither stick nor stone left now.
2. ~ cloch, drithlí, shower of stones, of sparks.
Bhí an balla ina chladach, the wall was reduced to a heap of stones.
Ag ~ cloch, heaping stones.
~ cloch, fód, stone, sod, (fencing-)wall.
~ chumaisc, pudding-stone.
~ eibhir, granite (stone).
~ ghallúnaí, shópa, soap-stone.
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