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~ a chur as obair, as rud a dhéanamh, to set about a task, about doing sth.
Cúram gan chúiteamh, thankless task.
gan chion, thankless task.
Ól na dí seirbhe a thabhairt ar rud, to face up to an unpleasant situation, to get a disagreeable task over and done with.
Obair fathaigh, gigantic, herculean, task.
~ beirte, task for two.
Ag iarraidh forais i bhfodhomhain, ‘trying to find bottom in an abyss’, an impossible task.
Ag scamhadh geatairí do dhuine, doing menial tasks, demeaning oneself, for s.o.
An t-~ atá romhat a threabhadh, to face the task confronting you.
~ ar thasc, task-work.
Obair shaoráideach, easy work, an easy task.
Tasc ~, simple task.
Dualgas, tasc, a thabhairt, to assign a duty, a task.
Ag obair ar ~, doing task-work.
Tá an treabhadh ~ aige go fóill, ploughing is too hard a task for him yet.
Ní gan ~ gan óidh é, it is no easy task.
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