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Tá siad ~ is isteach chuig a chéile arís, they are on visiting, friendly, terms again.
Tá siad ~ ar a, le, chéile, they are on bad terms.
Níl siad ag beannú dá chéile, they are not on speaking terms.
Bheith ~ ar aon le duine, to be on equal footing, terms, with s.o.
Tabhair ~ a bhéil féin dó, give him what he asks for; let him decide his own terms.
De bhrí go bhfuil siad mór leis, because they are on good terms with him.
Níl siad ~ dá chéile, they are not on very good terms.
Níl aon bhuíochas acu ar a chéile, they are not on friendly terms.
Ní raibh mé riamh ina chaidreamh, I was never intimate with him; I was never on speaking terms with him.
Níl siad ag ~ le chéile, they are not on speaking terms.
Ní chainteodh sí liom, she wouldn’t speak to me, was not on speaking terms with me.
Lá ~, term, day, of reckoning.
Tá siad ~ (le chéile) arís, they are on friendly terms again.
Tháinig a cheannlá, his term expired; he came to the end of his days.
Ainm, téarma, ~, generic name, term.
~ seisiúin, téarma, end of a session, of a term.
~ an dá dheartháir, an dá dheirfiúr, an dearthár is na deirféar, (particularized terms for) first cousins.
Ní gnách cath gan chomha, it is not usual to fight without offering terms of peace.
Bheith ar ~ le duine, to be in step with s.o.; to be on an equal footing, on equal terms, with s.o.
~ a chaitheamh, a thabhairt, in áit, to be confined, remain, for a term in a place.
I gcuid chothrom le, on level terms with.
Téarma ~, exact term.
Chruthaigh sé (go dubh is go bán) orm go raibh an ceart aige, he asserted (in unmistakable terms) to me that he was right.
Chuir sé isteach a théarma, he served his term.
Chúitigh sé a phurgadóireacht ar an saol seo, he redeemed his term in purgatory (by his suffering) in this life.
Ghlac sé leis ar na cuntair sin, he accepted it on those terms.
~ blianta, term of years.
In ~ le, not on a level with; not on even terms with.
Focal ~, nautical term.
Cruinniú, ordú, eolas, téarma, ~, general meeting, order, knowledge, term.
5. Bíonn siad ~ agus amach le chéile, they are on friendly terms.
Bhí a théarma ~ aige, he had completed his term.
Ní labhraíonn siad le chéile, they are not on speaking terms.
Tá a ~ caite, his term (of life) is expired.
Focal ~, insulting remark; term of reproach.
~ ar mheá, in equilibrium; on level terms.
Fuair sé ar a mhias féin é, it was dished out to him; he was told off in no uncertain terms.
Téarma na Féile Michíl, Michaelmas term.
Bheith ~ le duine, to be on friendly terms with s.o.
Tréimhse phríosúnachta a chur isteach, to serve a term of imprisonment.
Tá sé ar ~ do bhéil féin agat, you have only to state your terms.
Chuaigh an chúis ó ~ orainn, we failed to decide the issue, to come to terms.
Bhí a théarma rite, his term had run its course.
Téarma ~, independent term.
~ comha na síthe, state the terms of peace.
Tá ~ mo shaoil caite, my term of life has ended.
Ar shosanna, on easy terms.
Téarmaí tagartha, terms of reference.
Tá sé ~ le gach uile dhuine, he is on familiar terms with everybody.
~ a chur le rud, to put a term on sth.
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