Tá ~ taisligh ar na ballaí, there is a damp sweat on the walls.
An balla ~, the external wall.
Balla, claí, cuaille, a ardú, to raise the height of a wall, a fence, a pole.
~ sa bhalla, a peg in the wall.
~ cloiche, brící, adóibe, fód, stone, brick, adobe, earthen, wall.
~ istigh, inner wall; inner side of wall.
~ beag, bed-wall (in old houses).
~ fuar, dry, unmortared, wall.
Níl ann ach na ~í fuara, na ~í loma, there is nothing but the bare walls.
Balla a bhearnú, to breach a wall.
Balla, carraig, ag ~adh (amach), wall, rock, bulging (outwards).
~ balla, lampa, wall-, lamp-, bracket.
Tá an balla ina bhraic, the wall is loose.
Balla, bríce, pláta, ~, broken wall, brick, plate.
~ de bhalla, collapsed portion of wall.
Bualadh faoi bhalla, to hit against a wall.
Bhuail sé an balla le clocha duirlinge, he dashed the wall with shore pebbles.
~ síne (i mballa), weathered surface, damp patch (in wall).
Faoi bhun an bhalla, an chrainn, beneath, at the foot of, the wall, the tree.
~ ar ~ le balla na cé, lipping the quay wall.
Tá an teach in airde cabhlach, the house is wall-plate high.
Níl ina seasamh ach ~ an tí, only the walls of the house remain standing.
~ anuas den bhalla é, knock it down off the wall.
Doras, póirse, ~, blind, walled-up, door, archway.
Cheap an balla, an abhainn, sinn, the wall, the river, barred our way.
~ chaolbhalla, chriathrach, chúntach, idirphasach, phailise, sheachráin, shómach, thiúbhalla, thin-walled, sieve, auxiliary, resting, palisade, wandering, somatic, thick-walled, cell.
Bhí an balla ina chladach, the wall was reduced to a heap of stones.
~ cloch, fód, stone, sod, (fencing-)wall.
~ garraí, teorann, garden, boundary, wall.
~ocha san fharraige, ‘walling’, swelling, waves.
balla, cinn, inclination of wall, of head.
Balla cloiche, stone wall.
~ aláraim, balla, buailte, cuaiche, alarm-, wall-, striking-, cuckoo-, clock.
Bíonn ~a ar na claíocha, ar an gcoill, walls have ears.
~ tí, the walls of a house.
Tá ~ ar na ballaí, the walls are coated, filthy.
1. ~ (cléibh, croí), (wall of) chest.
Cois cnoic, balla, carraige, at the foot of a hill, of a wall, of a rock.
Níl fágtha ach ~ an tí, only the walls of the house remain.
Claí, fál, críche, boundary wall, hedge.
Pictiúr a chrochadh ar bhalla, to hang a picture on a wall.
Dréimire a chur le balla, to put a ladder against a wall.
Rud a chur thar bhalla, thar aill, to put, throw, sth. over a wall, a cliff.
Doras, ballaí, seomra, cúil, back-door, -wall, -room.