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Seomraí, fuinneoga, bairr, upper rooms, windows.
~ pictiúir, fuinneoige, picture, window, frame.
Fuinneog a chóiriú, to dress a window.
~ fuinneoige, window-shutter.
~ amach as na fuinneoga, hanging out of the windows.
~ fuinneoige, dorais, window-, door-, curtain.
Fuinneoga ~, stained-glass windows.
Fuinneog a dhalladh, to darken, to close up, a window.
~ (fuinneoige), (window-) blind.
~ bhfuinneog mhóra, ten big windows.
Fuinneog dhormánta, dormer (-window).
Dhún sé an fhuinneog le clocha, he walled up the window.
~ fuinneoige, the closing, the walling up, of a window.
~ dorais, fuinneoige, pictiúir, frame of door, of window, of picture.
Fuinneog, uaim, Fhrancach, French window, seam.
1. ~ chomhla, laitíse, shaise, thrasnáin, casement-, lattice-, sash-, transom-, window.
~ áiléir, bhairr, attic, top-storey, window.
Urlár, fuinneog, simléar, a ghlanadh, to clean a floor. a window, a chimney.
~ fuinneoige, (pane of) window-glass.
~ fuinneoige, window grating.
An fhearthainn ag ~adh ar ghloine na fuinneoige, the rain whipping the window-panes.
Iarainn a chur le fuinneog, to bar a window.
Fuinneog ~e, lattice window.
Fuinneog ~í, louvred window.
~ na fuinneoige, the window-sill.
Doras, fuinneog, a ~adh, to open wide a door, a window.
~ anuas an fhuinneog, lower the window.
~ fuinneoige, window leads.
~ tithe, long, sráideanna, fuinneog, the decoration of houses, of ships, of streets, of windows.
Fuinneoga ~a, mullioned windows.
Fuinneog ~, open window.
~ fuinneoige, window-pane.
Fuinneog phlátghloine, plate-glass window.
~ do cheann amach an fhuinneog, poke your head out of the window.
~ fuinneoige, window-sash.
~ a chur i bhfuinneog, to wedge a window.
Fuinneoga ~a, bright windows.
Fuinneog ~tha, barred window.
Ag ~ isteach ar fhuinneoga, peeping in at windows.
~ fuinneoige, splay of window.
6. Doras, fuinneog, a spré, to splay a door, a window.
Fuinneog ~, storied window.
Bhí siad ag ~adh suas ar na fuinneoga, they were gazing up at the windows.
~ fuinneoige, window-sill.
Ba léir dúinn ~ na fuinneoga iad, we could see them through the windows.
~ fuinneoige, window-sill.
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