Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: béist · éis · péist · aiste · ceist
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
éist, v.t. & i. (vn. ~eacht, pp. ~e). 1. (With le) Listen to. ~eacht le fuaim, le glór, le torann, to listen to a sound, a voice, a noise. ~eacht le duine, to listen, pay attention, to s.o.; to heed s.o. ~ leis an amhrán, listen to the song. ~ leis an scéal uaidh, let him tell his story. ~ le comhairle uaim, listen to advice from me; let me give you advice. Ná h~ le bréag, don’t heed a falsehood. Ní ~feadh siad liom, they would not hear me, let me speak. Más fiú ~eacht leis, if it is worth listening to. Tá mé ag ~eacht riamh leis, I have been hearing it all my life. Ba bhreá leat a bheith ag ~eacht leis, one would love to hear him; it was wonderful to listen to him. ~ go fóill liom, hear me further. ~ leis sin! Just listen to that! 2. Hear. (a) Give formal hearing to. Cás a ~eacht, to hear a case. Aifreann a ~eacht, to hear, attend, Mass. Faoistin a ~eacht, to hear a confession. Tá an sagart ag ~eacht, the priest is hearing confessions. D’~ sé mé, he confessed me. (b) Pay particular attention to. ~ an toirneach, listen to that thunder. ~ anois é! Hear him now! Prov:~ mórán agus can beagán, [’hear much and say little’, be patient in hearing and reserved in speech. (c) Heed, grant. Urnaí, achainí, a ~eacht, to hear a prayer, a request. Go n-éiste Dia do ghlór, may God hear your voice, grant what you ask. 3. (a) Be silent. ~! Silence! Whist! D’~ sé i bhfad leo, he held his peace with them for a long time. Tá mé ag ~eacht fada go leor libh, I have listened to, have been patient with, you long enough. (b) Desist from. ~igí bhur gcabaireacht, give over your chatter. ~ do bhéal, shut your mouth. ~ liom (le do chuid amaidí), don’t bother me (with your foolishness). ~ leis, stop interfering with it.
Tá sé de bhua aige go n-éistear leis, he is able to command attention.
Nár chóir go n-éistfeá liom? Why won’t you listen to me?
Éist go ~ leis, listen attentively to him.
Éist le mo ghuí, hear my prayer.
Éist liom, listen to me.
Ainneoin ~ n-éistfeadh sé liom, in spite of the fact that he wouldn’t listen to me.
Éist le ~, listen to reason.
Éist liom ~, listen to me a while.
D’éistfinn lena n-athair ach cuiridsean fearg orm, I would heed their father but they annoy me.
D’éistfinn trí sheol mara leis, I would never tire of listening to him.
D’éist sé liom ar feadh tamaill, he listened to me for a while.
Éist do bhéal, a thuata! Shut up! What do you know about the matter?
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht