Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: bál · bale · bealú · beil · bel
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béal, m. (gs. & npl. béil, gpl. ~; pl. ~a used in certain phrases). 1. Physiol: Mouth. (a) (Orifice) ~ duine, ainmhí, éisc, éin, mouth of person, of animal, of fish, of bird. Rud a bheith i do bhéal agat, to have sth. in one’s mouth, between one’s lips. Tá ~ milis aige, (i) he has a sweet tooth, (ii) he has a flattering tongue. Tá ~ crua, ceansa, ag an gcapall sin, that horse has a hard, a soft, mouth. Níor fhiafraigh siad díom an raibh ~ orm, they offered me nothing to eat or drink. Ní dheachaigh greim, blas, i mo bhéal inniu, I have not tasted food today. Níl aige ach ón lámh go dtí an ~, he lives from hand to mouth. Tá siad ag ithe as ~ a chéile anois, they are the best of friends now. Thit sé ar a bhéal is ar a shrón, (a aghaidh, a fhiacla), he fell flat on his face. Bhí a croí ag dul amach ar, thar, a ~ (le scanradh), she had her heart in her mouth (from fright). (b) (In reference to speech, rumour, etc.) ~ bán, soft talk. ~ bán a dhéanamh le duine, a thabhairt do dhuine, to softsawder s.o. Deartháir don bhréag an ~ bán, flattery is akin to falsehood. ~ bocht, ‘poor mouth’, persistent complaint of poverty. ~ bocht a dhéanamh, to make a poor mouth. ~ beo, (i) talk; talkativeness, (ii) the spoken language. Ní raibh mac, Críostaí, an bhéil bheo ann, there was not a living soul there. ~ balbh, marbh, dumbness, stupidity. Ná bíodh ~ balbh ort, don’t be dumb, speak out. ~ dúnta, closed mouth; (fig.) close-lipped person. S.a. amhrán, port1 1, scrúdú 2(a). Is binn ~ ina thost, silence is golden. S.a. éist 3 (b). Tháinig sé chun an bhéil chugam (a rá leis), it occurred to me (to say to him). Labhair mé mar a tháinig chun an bhéil chugam, I spoke at random. Bhain tú as mo bhéal é, you took the words out of my mouth. Ní á bhaint as do bhéal é, not that I wish to interrupt you. Ag caint as ~ a chéile, speaking with one voice. D’iarr siad as ~ a chéile é, they all asked for it at once. A bhéal féin a dúirt liom é, I heard it from his own lips. Ó bhéal a dúirt sé é, he said it only with his lips. Ó bhéal do mholadh, you are not sincere in your praise. Is deas, gar, do do bhéal a mhol tú é, (of food) you only wanted some of it for yourself. Ní raibh as a bhéal ach é, he spoke of nothing else. Fuair sé breith a bhéil féin, he got what he asked for. Chuaigh an scéal ó bhéal go ~, the story was reported from mouth to mouth. Ná cuir thú féin i m~ an phobail, don’t make yourself the talk of the parish. Tá sé i m~ na tíre, an tsaoil, an tslua, an bhig is an mhóir, everybody is talking about it. Tá mé tógtha i m~ agaibh, you have set tongues wagging about me. Ní bheidh mé faoi bhur m~ feasta, I will not be under the lash of your tongues any longer. Lán do bhéil a bhaint as duine, to eat the face off s.o. Dúirt tú lán béil d’fhocal, you said a mouthful. Ná bíodh an ~ ag milleadh an anama agat, don’t prevaricate; don’t perjure yourself. Bíodh Dia ar do bhéal i gcónaí, God’s name should always be on one’s lips. (c) ~ na fírinne, na bréige, truthful person, liar. (Mura fíor é) ní mise ~ na bréige, (if it is not true) I did not invent it. ~ ina chónaí, discreet person. ~ na céille, sensible person, one who talks sense. ~ gan smid, silent, unsociable, person. ~ gan scáth, gan foscadh, gan chaomhnú, blabber. Tá sé ina lán béil acu, they speak of him as a great fellow. Is tú féin ~ mo mhúinte, I learned it from yourself. S.a. trochta2 2, cuntas 3(b), faoistin, fianaise 1, iarr 1(a), 2. 2. Opening entrance. ~ mála, gunna, mouth of bag, of gun. S.a. luas. ~ uaimhe, tolláin, mouth of cave, tunnel. ~ gleanna, cuain, entrance to glen, to harbour. ~ díge, outlet of drain. ~ tuile, hydrant. ~ abhann, mouth, outfall, of river. ~ átha, barra, approach to ford, to sandbar. ~ páirce, aonaigh, entrance to field, to fair. ~ dorais, doorway. S.a. comharsa. Fish: ~ scair, gap between two nets connected at top. ~ báire, goalmouth. Táimid ag ~ an bháire, we are within reach of the goal. ~ an ghoile, pit of the stomach. ~ beag (ar stoca), ribbing (on stocking). ~ faoi, fúithi, (of vessel) upside down; (of person) prone. Cuir ~ faoi, ar a bhéal faoi, é, place it upside down. Cuir faoi bhéal cléibh é, put it under an upturned creel. S.a. cliabh 2. ~ in airde, (of vessel) upright; (of house, etc.) open, unguarded. ~ le hÉirinn, open to the wide world. S.a. clár1 3, 5, dearc3. 3. Lip. ~ uachtair, íochtair, upper, lower, lip. ~ cneá, lip of wound. Tá ~ an chupáin scoilte, the rim of the cup is cracked. Lán go ~, full to the brim. Ná lig thar bhéal an phota é, don’t let it overflow the pot. 4. Edge. ~ scine, rásúir, claímh, edge of knife, of razor, of sword. Cuir ~ sa tua dom, put an edge on the axe for me. Bhain tú an ~ as an speal, you blunted, indented, the scythe. Ag teacht chun béil, getting a proper edge on, getting into proper working order. 5. (Of sea) Sound. ~ Árann, Aran Sound. 6. Front, face, ~ cruaiche, iomaire, open end of stack, of ridge. ~ gearrtha, cutting-face (in cornfield, stack etc.). Coinnigh an ~ gearrtha glan. (i) keep the face clean for cutting, (ii) keep your accounts straight. ~ altóra, front of altar. Ar bhéal, i m~, an bhóthair, na trá, fronting the road, the strand. I m~ toinne, on the edge of the waves. Tá ~ na farraige isteach ann, it is open to the sea. ~ láin, low-water mark. I m~ na doininne, in the teeth of the storm. Ag rith i m~ a chéile, running towards each other. Trí lá i m~ a chéile, three consecutive days. Sheas sé i mo bhéal, ar mo bhéal (amach), he stood in front of me. D’imigh sé i m~ a chinn, he went off not knowing where he was going. D’éirigh sé sa bhéal orm, he abused me to my face. Tá na páistí ag éirí sa bhéal orm, the children are clamouring at me. Dúirt mé (suas agus anuas)lena bhéal é, I said it to his face. Labhair mé ~ ar bhéal leis, I spoke to him face to face. Dul, teacht, ar bhéal, ar bhéala, duine, to go over s.o.’s head; to take precedence over s.o. Dul ar bhéal, ar bhéala, Dé, to oppose God’s will, to overdo sorrow. Marcaíocht a dhéanamh ar bhéala duine, to ride front-saddle with s.o. 7. Beginning. (In phrases) (a) I m~ earraigh, at the beginning of spring (work). I m~ eadra, coming on to milking-time. Beidh mé chugat ar ~ maidine, I will come to you first thing tomorrow morning. Tá sé i m~ a mhaitheasa, he is coming into his prime. S.a. ceathrú1 2(f). (b) I m~, i mbéala, ar bhéal, ar bhéala, ready for, about to. Coirce i m~ a bhainte, oats ready for cutting. Bó ar bhéala breith, i m~ beirthe, cow about to calve. I m~, i mbéala, báis, at death’s door. (c) Bhí sé i m~ an tseoil romham, he was there when I came along. Casadh orm é i m~ na séibe, I met him unexpectedly. 8. F: ~ na bó, cowslip. 9. ~ salach, infantile thrush; (in animals) sore mouth, orf. S.a. galar 1.
Faoi bhéal an aeir, under the open sky.
~ béil, cinn, mental arithmetic.
Ní raibh ~ súl ná béil air, his features were unrecognizable, he was all bespattered (with mud, etc.).
~ an bhéil dúnta, sweet silence.
Tá a ~ i mbarr a ghoib, i mbéal a chléibh, ina dhorn, aige, leis, he is panting (from exertion).
Cuirfidh tú ~ ort féin ag casadh do bhéil mar sin, you will distort your face grimacing like that.
Béal cúng ~, narrow and exposed channel.
Tá sé leathan as a bhéal, it is wide at the mouth.
Bhain tú as mo bhéal é, you took the words out of my mouth.
I mbéal ~, in the goalmouth.
Tá béal ~ aige, he is fair-spoken, plausible.
~í béil a thabhairt le rud, to give one’s word for sth.
Níl as béal an bhig is an mhóir ach é, everybody is talking about it.
Níor ordaigh Dia béal gan bhia, God made food for everyone.
~ béil ní bhfuair mé, not a bite, a sup, did I get.
Ní dheachaigh ~ thar mo bhéal, ar m’anáil, inniu, I haven’t tasted a bite, a sup, today.
Ná ~ do bhéal air, don’t open your lips about it.
~ sa leiceann, sa bhéal, slap on the cheek, in the mouth.
Is mó do bhéal ná do bholg, you bite off more than you can chew.
~ a chur ar do bhéal, to put one’s hand on one’s mouth.
Cuir do bhos ar do bhéal faoi, keep it to yourself, don’t speak about it.
~ i mbéal na gaoithe, blown drops of rain.
Duine a bhréagnú as a bhéal féin, to turn s.o.’s statement against himself.
Tabhair ~ a bhéil féin dó, give him what he asks for; let him decide his own terms.
Briathra béil, spoken words.
Dá ndéanfadh briathra béil é, if talk could do it.
Iasc a bhfuil béal ~ air, a fish with a brittle, tender, mouth.
Bhí na focail á mbriseadh ina bhéal, he could scarcely speak with emotion.
~ béil, rim-wale.
Cliabh a líonadh go ~ béil, go ~ bruach, to fill a creel to the very top.
Tá an ~ béil agat air, you have laid the framework for the job.
Béal ~, rugged mouth; jaw set with rugged teeth.
~ béal faoi é, throw it face downwards.
Ná ~ do bhéal leis, don’t demean yourself by saying it.
Tá an ghealach i mbéal ~n, the moon is entering a quarter state.
D’éirigh sé béal na g~ as, he gave it up suddenly, completely.
5. ~ (béil), lid.
Béal an chléibh, pit of the stomach.
Bhí ~ cúir lena bhéal, he was foaming at the mouth.
Tá siad i mbéal an choitinn, everybody is talking about them; they are notorious.
~ bhéal dorais, next-door neighbour.
~ béil, gossip, hearsay.
Ná bígí ~ as mo bhéal ar fad, don’t be for ever hanging on my lips.
Bhí a chroí ag dul amach ar a bhéal, his heart was in his mouth.
Chros sé an focal i mo bhéal, he prevented me from making my statement; he contradicted me flatly.
Béal ~, steel edge (of tool).
Bealach, doras, béal, ~, narrow way, door, opening.
~ béil, oral, verbal, account.
Bhí ~ lena bhéal, he was foaming at the mouth.
Bhí ~ lena bhéal, he was foaming at the mouth.
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