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Seans gur foirm é domhain de: domhan »
domhain1, f. (gs. doimhne, pl. doimhneacha). 1. Depth. ~ chréafóige, uisce, depth of clay, of water. ~ de phortach, depth of bog. 2. Deep, abyss. ~ na farraige, the deep sea. Snámh ar an ~, to swim in deep water. Sa, ar an, ~ mhór, in, on, the ocean deep. 3. Inmost part, (pl.) depths. I n~ an chriathraigh, in the depth, middle, of the bog. I n~, ar dhomhain, na hoíche, deep in the night. I ndoimhneacha an tsléibhe, in the recesses of the mountain.
domhain2, a. (gsm. ~, gsf., npl. & comp. doimhne).Deep. 1. Going far down. Poll, gearradh, ~, deep hole, cut. (Go) ~ san uisce, sa bhairille, deep, low down, in the water, in the barrel. 2. Deeply embedded. (Go) ~ sa talamh, sa chnámh, deep in the ground, in the bone. Tá an aicíd go ~ ann, the disease has got a firm hold of him. 3. Deeply committed. Tá sé go ~ i bhfiacha, he is sunk in debt. Bhí siad go ~ i gceilg, they were engaged in deep conspiracy. Is ~ leis ina bhás é, it is like a mortal blow to him. 4. Deeply absorbed. Go ~ sa mhachnamh, deep in thought. Tá sé go ~ sa leabhar, he is engrossed in the book. Nach tú atá ~ ar na gnóthaí? Aren’t you deeply interested in such matters? 5. Deep penetration. Dul go ~ i scéal, to probe deeply into a story. 6. Profound; hard to fathom. Staidéar, eolas, ~, deep study, knowledge. Codladh, tost, ~, deep sleep, silence. Ag meabhrú go ~, pondering deeply. Is ~ an intinn atá aige, he has a profound mind. Is ~ an duine é, he is a deep-thinking person; he is hard to fathom. Caint dhomhain, profound, recondite, speech. 7. Intense, vivid. Dath ~, deep colour. 8. Low-pitched, from deep down. Glór ~, deep voice. Osna dhomhain, deep sigh. 9. Sunken, hollow. ~ sa droim, hollow-backed. Leicne doimhne, sunken cheeks. 10. Far. Dul ~ sa sliabh, to go far into the mountains. ~ i bhfarraige, far out to sea. 11. Late. ~ san oíche, deep in the night. Am luí ~, late bedtime. (Var:gsf., npl. & comp. ~e)
domhain3 :domhan.
As ceithre hairde an domhain, na cruinne, from the four quarters of the earth.
Ar bhás an domhain, under no circumstances.
Ag breith (amach) ar an domhain, bearing out to sea.
Ar feadh an bheatha, an domhain, an tsaoil, bhraonaigh, throughout the whole wide world.
I g~ an domhain, while the world lasts, to the end of time.
Glóir dhíomuan an domhain ché, the transient glory of this earth.
Ciníocha an domhain, the peoples of the earth.
Ceithre ~a an domhain, the four corners of the earth.
~ na hÉireann, an domhain, the championship of Ireland, of the world.
~ an domhain, the territories, countries, of the world.
~ an domhain, the creation of the world.
~ an domhain, na gréine, the earth’s, sun’s, course.
Go ~ an domhain, to the ends of the earth.
Bheith domhain sa ~, to be deeply committed to sth.
Tíortha, ciníocha, iontais, an domhain, the countries, peoples, wonders, of the world.
Ar fud an domhain, all over the world.
Go lá dheireadh an domhain, till the end of time.
Slua, eolas, acmhainn, an domhain, vast crowd, knowledge, resources.
Tá meas an domhain, an ~ measa, acu air, they think the world of him.
Bhí áthas, iontas, an domhain orm, I was extremely glad, surprised.
Ar dhroim talún, an domhain, on the face of the earth.
Ar dhromchla na talún, an domhain, on the face of the earth.
I n~ an domhain, in the nethermost parts of the earth.
~ an domhain, earthly glory; worldly wealth.
Farraigí an domhain, the seas of the world, the seven seas.
Domhain, i bhfad, i bh~, far out to sea.
Tá siad ar fheabhas Éireann, an domhain, they are extremely good; they are wonderfully well.
~ an domhain, the earth’s spin.
~ an domhain, terrestrial gravitation.
D’~ Críost peacaí an domhain, Christ atoned for the sins of the world.
Ó ~ go huachtar an domhain, an aeir, from all regions of the earth, of the air.
Tháinig ~ (mo chroí, an domhain) orm, I became (exceedingly) astonished.
Tá sé ar ionaí an domhain, it is one of the wonders of the world.
Seacht n-iontais an domhain, the seven wonders of the world.
Tá an tairne ~ go domhain ann, the nail is deeply embedded in it.
~ domhain, éadomhain, deep, shallow, depression.
Tá ~ an tsaoil, an domhain, faoi, he is full of worldly pride.
~ an domhain, the map of the world.
~ an scéal ar fud an domhain, the story spread all over the world.
Is ~ do dhaoine dalla an domhain é, it is clear to anybody who wants to see it.
~ siad amach ar an domhain, they stood out towards deep water.
Tá sé ag meabhrú (go domhain), he is meditating (deeply), absorbed in thought.
Náisiúin an domhain, the nations of the world.
Réigiúin an domhain, na cruinne, the regions of the earth, of the universe.
~aí an domhain, the kingdoms of the earth.
Ceithre ranna an domhain, the four quarters of the globe.
Ag smaoineamh go domhain, thinking deeply.
~ an cogadh timpeall an domhain, the war spread round the world.
Níl sé ar, faoi, thalamh an domhain aon fhear a dhéanfadh é, there is not in all the world a man who could do it.
Ní fheadar ó thalamh an domhain, I don’t know on earth.
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