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Focail chosúla: díbh · dub · dubh- · dubhó · dubhú
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Seans gur foirm é dubh de: ubh »
dubh1, m. (gs. duibh). 1. Black. (a) Black colour. ~ is bán, black and white. (Of clothes)~a chaitheamh, to wear black. An ~ a chur ina gheal ar dhuine, to persuade s.o. that black is white, to bamboozle s.o. S.a. dath11. (b) Black substance. ~ an eabhair, ivory black. ~ poill, black colouring substance found in bog. ~ bróg, blacking (for boots). (c) Black ink. (d)Agr: (Kind of) fungus, smut. ~ cruithneachta, smut in wheat. ~ na bprátaí, (form of) potato blight. (e) Black speck. ~ iongan, ~ na fríde, de rud, the least little bit of sth. (f)Gan ~ gan dath, without a trace (de, of). Níl a dhubh ná a dhath air, there is nothing at all the matter with him. Dá mbeadh a dhubh nó a dhath le gnóthú orthu, if there was anything whatever to be gained by them. 2. Black, evil, deed. An ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to act vilely towards s.o., to let s.o. down badly. 3. (a) Darkness. ~ na hoíche, the dark of the night. Ní thiocfaidh sé go raibh ~ ar an oíche, it will be pitch-dark before he comes. Ag obair ó dhubh go ~, working from dawn to dusk. (b) Dark aspect. ~ an scéil, the dark side of the matter. Géilleadh do dhubh gach eagla, always to fear the worst. 4. Her: Sable. 5. f. (gs. duibhe).Black cow.
dubh2, a1. 1. Black. (a)Éadach, ball, capall, ~, black cloth, article, horse. Chomh ~ le hairne, le bac, le cleite an fhéich, le gual, le pic, le sméar, le tóin corcáin, le Poll Tí Liabáin, as black as a sloe, as a hob, as a raven’s feather, as coal, as pitch, as a berry, as the bottom of a pot, as Erebus. S.a. cailleach 12, caipín 6, ceann 1 (l), cíb1, clár11(a), draighean 1, goirín 1, leann11(a), lon11, manach 1, saighdiúir 1, slat 1(i).(b) (Of discoloration) ~ le toit, smoke-begrimed. ~ gorm, black and blue. S.a. aicíd1, ceathrú12(d), fiabhras. (c) Extremely dark or gloomy. An oíche dhubh, black night. Spéir dhubh, inky sky. Uisce ~, dark water. S.a. gairgeadh 2, gearradh 5. (d) Black-haired. (e) Swarthy. (f) Covered, swarming (le, with). Tá an áit ~ le daoine, the whole place is black with people. (g) Vast, countless. Na céadta ~a (de), countless hundreds (of). 2. (a) Black-hearted, malevolent, bigoted. Bheith ~ do dhuine, to be evilly disposed towards s.o. Tá croí ~ aige, he is black-hearted. Is ~ an gníomh é, it is a vile deed. Tá sé ~ istigh, he is full of hatred. Tá siad (go) ~ ina aghaidh, they are bitterly against it. An diabhal ~, the black(-hearted) devil. S.a. anam 1, fear11(a), leabhar11(h).(b) Angry, sinister. Amharc ~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to give s.o. a black look. (c) Dismal, gloomy, melancholy. Do chroí a bheith ~ ag rud, to be oppressed at heart over sth. D’fhág bás a mhic croí ~ aige, his son’s death left him heavy-hearted. Is ~ an scéal atá aige, he has a sorrowful story to tell. Is ~ an lá dó é; is é an lá ~ dó é, it is a sad day for him. S.a. lionn 1(a).(d) Strange, unknown. Tá mé mar a bheadh strainséir ~ ina measc, I am like a black stranger among them. S.a. dorn 1. (e)Margadh ~, black market. 3. (As adv.)Tá sé ~ dorcha, it is pitch-dark. Tá mé ~ dóite de, I am heartily sick of it. Chinn sé ~ is ~ orm, I failed utterly at it. Dhiúltaigh sé (go) ~ agus (go) bán é a dhéanamh, he refused absolutely to do it. Níl siad le fáil ~ bán ná riabhach, they are not to be had in any shape or form. Rinne tú go ~ orm é, you acted treacherously towards me; you let me down badly. S.a. dónall 2, láir13, maide 1(a).
dubh4 = dubhaigh1.
dubh-3, pref. 1. (Before vowels and fh)(a) Black. (b) Great, intense, downright. (c) Evil; unknown. 2 = dú-2.
Bán, dubh, san ~, pale-, dark-, faced.
An ~ dhubh, potato blight.
~t idir an dubh agus an bán, idir an mhaith agus an t-olc, to know black from white, right from wrong.
Is dubh ar d’~ é, you have done a sinful, a grievous, thing.
Chomh dubh leis an m~, as black as soot.
Is deise an ~ ná an dubh ort, white looks nicer than black on you.
Chuirfeadh sé an dubh ina bhán ort, he would persuade you that black was white.
~ dubh, great reed-mace.
Tá ~ dubh faoina shúile, he has black rings round his eyes.
~ bhán, dhubh, náisiúnta, sheolta, white, black, national, sailing, flag.
Bráithre Dubha, Black Friars, Dominicans.
~ (dhubh, Mhuire), nun.
~ dhubh, cormorant.
~ dubh, blackcap.
~ dhubh, (Manx) shearwater.
~ dhubh, black, carrion, crow.
Gan ‘~ dubh’ ná ‘~ bán’ a rá leis, not to say anything (acrimonious) to him.
~ bán, dubh, rua, liath, cas, (gruaige), fair, dark, red, grey, curly, head (of hair).
~a dubha, knap-weed.
An ~ dubh, the dark one.
Clár dubh ~, squared blackboard.
~ dhubh, ghorm, blackleg.
~ (dubh), elder-berry.
~ dhubh, black-beetle, cockroach.
~ dhubh, black, mountain, sedge.
~ dubh, black tribute, extortion.
~ dubh, blackboard.
~ mór, beag, trom, dubh, large, small, heavy, black, type.
~ (dubh, glas), (black, green,) woodpecker.
~ dubh, (black) knapweed.
~ dubh, blackcock.
~ dubh, black oats.
~ dubh, maiden-hair.
~ dhubh, scurvy.
Geal, dubh, sa chraiceann, clear-, dark-, skinned.
~ dhubh, grampus.
Tá an gáire, an lionn dubh, os cionn a ~, laughter, melancholy, lightens, darkens, her heart.
Domhnach Chrom Dubh, the last Sunday in July.
~ dhubh, coalfish.
Chruthaigh sé (go dubh is go bán) orm go raibh an ceart aige, he asserted (in unmistakable terms) to me that he was right.
~ dhubh, black fly.
~ dearg, dubh, red, black, currant.
Chomh ~ le daol dubh, as poor as a church mouse.
Thug sé go ~, (go) dubh is (go) ~, dó é, he gave it to him hot and heavy.
Dubh agus ~ na hoíche, the darkness and obscurity of the night.
~ dubh a chur ar dhuine, to hoodwink, to humbug, s.o.
Tá ~ dubh ort (faoi sin), you are under an illusion (about that).
Chomh dubh leis an ~, as black as a beetle, jet-black.
Tógfaidh ~ dubh ach ní thógfaidh dubh ~, it is easier ‘to blacken colour than to colour black’, to blacken character than to restore it.
Tá ~ bán, dubh, (san aghaidh) air, he is pale-, black-, faced.
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