glór1, m. (gs. -óir, pl. ~tha). Voice. 1. Human voice. ~ an duine, ~ daonna, human voice. Labhairt de ghlór ard, íseal, to speak in a loud, low, voice. D’aithin mé do ghlór, I recognized your voice. Bhí tocht ina ghlór, his voice was broken (with emotion). 2. Speech, utterance. Aird a thabhairt ar ghlór duine, to heed the voice of s.o. ~ díomhaoin, amaideach, idle, foolish, talk. Éisteacht le ~tha ban, to listen to women’s talk. ~tha seanbhan, old wives’ tales. ~ gan aird, heedless talk(er). ~ i gcóitín, (i) childish talk, prattle, (ii) prattler. ~ mór ar bheagán cúise, a lot of fuss about nothing. 3. Sound, noise. ~ na habhann, na gaoithe, na báistí, the sound of the river, of the wind, of the rain. ~ trumpaí, the voice of trumpets. ~ caointe, sound of crying; whinging sound. Tá ~ i mo chluasa, there is a murmuring in my ears. ~ bodhar, toll, dull, hollow, sound. 4. Ling: Voice. Gan ghlór, voiceless.
glór2 = gleoir.
Amharc, glór, ~, pleading look, voice.
Tá an ghlóir d’~ acu, they are assured of glory.
Iompar, siúl, glór, duine a ~t, to recognize s.o. by his carriage, walk, voice.
Guth, glór, ~, loud voice.
~ do ghlór, raise your voice; speak louder.
Glór, ceol, ~, sweet voice, music.
Guth, glór, ~, soft, mellow, voice, sound.
Glór ~, lively, quick, voice.
Glór ~, loud, high-pitched, voice.
Glór caointe, whimpering voice.
~ i gceol, i nglór, turn in music, inflexion in voice.
Glóir dhíomuan an domhain ché, the transient glory of this earth.
Glór ~, commanding voice.
Bhí ~ ina ghlór, there was a ring in his voice.
Bhí ~ ina ghlór, there was a tremor in his voice.
Bhí ~ ar a, ina, lámh, ghlór, his hand, his voice, was shaking.
Glór ~, decided tone of voice.
Ar seisean, de ghlór ard, said he, in a loud voice.
Ní mhilleann ~ fiacail, a kind word is always welcome.
Glór daingean ~, firm and decided tone of voice.
Ba dhíomhaoin mo ghlór, my voice went unheeded.
Glór ~, decided tone of voice.
Glór ~, dissentient voice.
~eacht le fuaim, le glór, le torann, to listen to a sound, a voice, a noise.
Go n-éiste Dia do ghlór, may God hear your voice, grant what you ask.
Go bhfaighe siad an ghlóir shíoraí, may they enter into eternal glory.
Glór ~, faint, feeble, voice.
Ní mhilleann dea-ghlór ~; níor bhris focal maith ~ riamh, a kind word is always welcome.
An ghlóir fhlaithiúnais, heavenly glory.
~ glóir, roughness of voice.
Tá a glór ag géarú, her voice is getting shriller.
Ghlac crith mo ghlór, my voice trembled.
Den ghlóir an ghlaineacht, cleanliness is next to godliness.
An ghlóir fhlaithiúnais, shíoraí, heavenly, eternal, glory.
~ a thabhairt do Dhia, to glorify God.
~ do Dhia (in airde, sna harda), glory be to God (on high).
An ghlóir a chaitheamh, to partake of glory, to enjoy heavenly bliss.
Bheith sa ghlóir, to be in heavenly glory; to be in one’s glory, in a state of exaltation.
~ na gréine, the glory of the sun.
~ an tsaoil seo, mundane glory.
Lán de ghlóir, covered with glory.
Go dtuga Dia an ghlóir dóibh; ar dheis na ~e go raibh siad, may they share in God’s glory; may they sit at the right hand of God.
Ní inseofar an ghlóir fhlaithiúnais, heavenly glory can never be described.