taistil1, v.t. & i. (pres. -tealaíonn, vn. -teal). Travel. An tír a thaisteal, to travel the country. Taisteal ar na bóithre, ar an traein, i gcarr, to travel by road, by train, by car. Fear a thaistil a lán, a much-travelled man. Bíonn siad ag taisteal ar an oileán go fóill, they still make journeys to the island. Thaistil mé an leabhar ar a lorg, I went all through the book looking for it. An dtaistealaíonn an t-iasc sin? Does that kind of fish migrate?
taistil2 : taisteal1,2.
~ imeartha, staidéir, taistil, permission to play, to study, to travel.
~ taistil, permit to travel.
Lá ~ taistil, a suitable day for travelling.
~, costais, tí, taistil, dlí, household, travelling, legal, expenses.
~ iompair, taistil, means of conveyance, of travel.
~ fostaíochta, taistil, employment, travel, agency.
Ag taisteal ~ thíortha, travelling between countries.
~ breoiteachta, cothaithe, taistil, sickness, subsistence, travelling, allowance.
~ taistil, travelling-speed.
~ taistil, imirce, travellers, emigrants.
~ taistil, travelling-bag.
Lucht taistil, travellers.
Costas taistil, travelling expenses.
Gníomhaire taistil, travel agent.
An bealach taistil a thug siad leo, the route by which they travelled.
~ tráchtála, commercial traveller.
~ na dtíortha, traveller in many lands.
~ na gceall, frequenter of churches.