Travelling allowance, liúntas m taistil.
Travelling bag, mála taistil.
He spent the balance of his life in travel, chaith sé an chuid eile dá shaol ag taisteal.
Belated traveller, taistealaí ar tháinig an oíche air.
To travel by rail, by car, by bicycle, taisteal ar traein, i gcarr, ar rothar.
Touring company, foireann thaistil.
Commercial traveller with a wide connection, taistealaí m tráchtála a bhfuil custaiméireacht mhór aige.
He is now unequal to the exertion of travelling, ní fhéadfadh sé anró an taistil a sheasamh faoi láthair.
Few of them had travelled, corrdhuine acu a rinne taisteal.
Civ.E: Itinerant gang (of roadmen), buíon taistil (fear bóthar).
Dangers incident to travel, dainséir a ghabhann le taisteal.
To travel by land, taisteal ar thalamh.
Travel licks a young man into shape, cuireann taisteal cruth ar ógánach.
To travel light, taisteal ar bheagán bagáiste.
Car with very small mileage, gluaisteán agus gan ach fíorbheagán taistil déanta aige.
To travel post, (i) taisteal ar an bpost; (ii) taisteal ar luas.
To travel by rail, taisteal ar an traein.
Travelling requisites, trealamh m taistil.
Adm: Restricted areas, ceantair shrianta (i gcúrsaí luas taistil).
To go for a good round, geábh maith (siúil, taistil, etc.) a thabhairt.
Travelling rug, ruga taistil.
Travelling salesman, taistealaí m tráchtála.
Saloon passenger, taistealaí den chéad rang.
To travel in state, taisteal go tóstalach.
Commercial traveller's territory, limistéar taistealaí tráchtála.
Rail: To travel third, taisteal sa tríú rang.
Th: Touring company, foireann f taistil.
He travels in tea, in spirits, taistealaí tae, biotáille, é.
Traveller's cheque, seic m taistil.
(Commercial-) traveller, taistealaí m (tráchtála).
Traveller in tea, taistealaí m tae.
Rail: Travelling post-office, postoifig f taistil.
Travelling kitchen, cistin f taistil.
Travelling bag, mála m taistil.
Traveller wedged in between two fat women, taistealaí atá brúite idir bheirt mhná ramhra.
To travel with s.o., taisteal i gcuideachta, i dteannta, duine.
Traveller working the western counties, taistealaí i mbun na gcontaetha thiar.